i'm listening to the podcast great gundam ptoject while i'm watching gundam, and at the start of zz gundam they made a good point. zz gundam is not an anime, and they're an anime podcast. as such, they started watching armored trooper votoms, and i will too so i don't lose the anime tag on this site. they'll probably be one or two sentences per episode, but i like doing them so here they are
  • votoms is pretty fun. impeccable vibes
  • it's 0079 but grittier so far. the scopedogs are cool shitty zakus, the officers are just wearing bootleg outfits from it
  • lmao the first thing to happen episode 2 of votoms is a guy says "i'm walking here!" as chirico walks through some cyberpunk looking megacity
  • 2 episodes into votoms and he's broken out of 2 separate prisons. a different show could have taken an entire season on just these 2 episodes. this rules
  • votoms episode 3: 80s mad max biker gang against the cops with the hero caught in the middle
  • i like all the little background world details in this show. good shit
  • votoms is basically every 80s scifi dystopia thrown into a blender. megacities, eternal space wars, mad max biker gangs, slave mines, the best weapon in the world is 'what if the zaku was really crappy and beat up'

    obviously i'm loving it

    the plots of the first 4 episodes of votoms are as follows
    1 - chirico sees something he shouldn't have and gets fragged by his squadmates before escaping capture from the enemy
    2 - chirico wanders a megacity, gets kidnapped by a biker gang and used as slave labor before escaping
    3 - chirico is caught in a war between the cops and the biker gang, ultimately fixing up a scopedog and taking them all out
    4 - chirico does gladiator fights in his scopedog for rich people to bet on, ending with him getting arrested as a mysterious woman watches

  • episode 5 chirico is out of prison by the halfway mark, since his buddies helped him out. he fights his ex commander, who almost tells him what the deal was with the woman before they get blowed up by the cops
  • episode 6: chirico breaks back into prison, coincidentally having the same idea as his buddies (though they're doing itto try and make money). he finds someone he thinks is the girl but they need to escape
  • episode 7: chirico breaks back into the cops military base to rob an armored truck. don't care for the b plot of coconna almost being raped and giving up the information on where the truck is, with the others being completely unsympathetic
  • episode 8: pops sells the treasure back to the cops for hard cash. when they betray them chirico is captured buying time for the others to get away
  • episode 9: to rescue chirico his buddies dump out all the gold they got last episode on the police convoy like that one scene from death note. obviously they all kept some secretly