i know way less about zeta. characters i know show up in it: quattro bajeena, kamille. maybe someone named hymen? anyways, i think in this one the federation is kind of the villain maybe? idk, we shall see. i don't even know what zeta gundam means
Episode 1: The Black Gundam
bummed i don't get the original 80s-ass opening, which rules. i understand there was some kind of rights dispute? but the instrumental piece works fine, even if it's not nearly as good
- 0079 looked surprisingly good for its age, but i can already tell this one was made with some real expectations for its success
- i love all the glimpses of new mobile suits here
- amuro, fraw bow, mirai, hayato, kai, and bright all making an appearance here with the orphans, who look early teen-ish?
- a bunch of dudes looking for something. they're all veterans with new suits,
- dang, not even 2 minutes into the show proper and kamille's already been slapped for skipping. he rolls with it though
- so kamille starts as a powerful enough newtype that this other guy (char?) mistakes him for amuro from a distance
- uhh. lalah's dead. has been for a while, i think this takes place like 8 years ofter 0079. were you not there?
- love the space-tram. this show just looks really good
- so kamille's a fan of bright, huh?
- oh, so this is why he didn't want her saying his name. my man going apeshit on these cops(?)
- dude, i think you need to chill. like, acab and all, but there's a time and a place for that, you know? and that time and place is definitely not in the middle of the spaceport when you don't have anyone with you
- this guy sounds familiar. is this another series that opens with char infiltrating a colony to get at a gundam?
- i can't comment on this everytime the show looks good, but this is a massive leap in animation quality from 6 years before
- why'd you take the mask off? i'd be keeping that on if i was doing something like this, what if someone shoots and busts open the wall?
- the yellow stained gundam eyecatch is way more boring than shau! was
- he's got the same kind of camera too! and he almost dropped it! put that thing away or you'll lose it
- oooh, evil gundam? or does it just look that way? and it's been 8 years and they've only just started the gundam mk. ii?
- this might be a better action sequence than anything in the first show, it's real good.
- i don't know why kamille doesn't know about it, but please explain the aeug for me
- this random cop: the idea that the aeug wants good things is a lie! you've never heard of them, but they're definitely evil and you shouldn't join them!
- mr lawyer man here getting kamille out of juvie, calls the cop out for space discrimination and immediately has all his work thrown out when kamille kicks the cop
- oh, the gundam 2 crashed through the building
- is kamille going to be on the run from the law? he just ran away and stole a car. i think me and him are going to get along just fine
- i like this a lot, but what's your plan here? you don't know either, do you?
- uhh. i think it's not ideal that the colony just got shot
what a first episode! this is a much stronger start than 0079, and that was already pretty good. i'm on board with this!
Episode 2: Departure
kamille, stop walking around outer space without your helmet. you need that!
- ok, so that hit was not nearly as bad as the last episode made me think
- char wore his mask with the helmet on, which was very considerate. i wish quattro would do the same with his sunglasses
- quattro, lalah's dead. and i think you would know if amuro was here, because you would be running away from or fighting a gundam. if you could sense him he'd be sensing you
- blond guy is jerid, got it
- jerid has a friend who seems more concerned about the people around than he is, though he at least made sure to avoid the civilian building when falling
- and then he runs off to fight the aeug
- quattro's mobile suit opening up its head to fire at the gms is real good
- got some real characters discussing what's up with the aeug here
- wait, is this blond guy (the other one) kamille's dad?
- whoa! just like the red comet, huh? you don't say!
- fa's mother survived, so that's good
- emma being all ready to pilot while kamille just runs in and hijacks it is very funny
- i love how chunky the buttons are here
- bright should not be nearly this surprised at someone without training piloting a gundam. you saw amuro do this!
- piss eyecatch still a bummer
- there's no way char was the only zeon guy to have a red suit, was he?
- kamilles first instinct upon getting in the goddamn robot is to step on the cop from earlier. icon
- gundam on gundam violence!
- bright: i'm sensing the same vibe i got from amuro...
that's called he's a powerful newtype. i feel like someone must have discussed this with you at some point, right?
- so the aeug gets away with 2 gundams instead of 1. good for them
- i like how the titans are all just confused by this. and when bright asks the obvious question of "why were you training gundam pilots here?" he gets the shit beat out of him by everyone there. hope he's ok!
- did no one bat an eye when the federation special forces started using zakus? i would maybe ask some questions
- i love all the little scifi touches here. kamille blocking the tiny leak with a hankerchief was pretty good
i like kamille a lot. he's very transgender in a way i can't help but respect. quattro and bright are both having flashbacks, but quattro must be psyched. he gets an amuro on his side now
Episode 3: Inside the Capsule
i assume we're going to hear char quattro explain what he's been up to in this one?
- lira mira rira, huh.
- everyone is being so mean to bright on his trip to see hymen
- beard guy looks like a simpsons character
- good to see quattro wearing his sunglasses
- they're preparing for battle, but they aren't really giving me the exposition i want. the technical details of the gundam are fine, but i want to know what's going on
- oof, is kamille going to kill his parents? amuro just barely avoided that
- quattro not managing to take lila out immediately pegs her as a potentially major threat
- man, kamille's parents are not happy together. you can't just hit your wife, jesus!
- reccoa, we all know he's going to pilot. let's just let it happen now before anything bad happens
- lila yells "watch out!" right before the eyecatch, so i thought i'd missed kamille taking the gundam and attacking her wingmen
- clearly been a while since quattro fought anyone who knew what they were doing. he seems shaken
- though even with that he singlehandedly scared off 4 skilled mobile suit pilots, killing one, so it's not like this reflects badly on him
- [brad pitt voice]: what's in the capsule!
- i love it when 2 parties are stalling each other but can't be sure what the other is doing or how long they have till negotiations go south
- i also love the zaku hanging out
- ohh, his parents are hostages. can't believe i didn't figure that out earlier, it's pretty obvious in retrospect
- are you sure the military wouldn't do this? because the military would absolutely do this
- finally learning what exactly the deal is with the titans. makes sense that different factions within the federation are like this
- uh oh! the hot goss reached kamille!
- oh shit! the reference earlier was closer than i thought
- rip kamilles mom. that's gotta be traumatic!
- yay happy credits music! amurooo was a lot more fitting to the average tone of the show at the end of the episode
dang. guess kamille's for sure with aeug now!
Episode 4: Emma's Decision
is emma going to join the aeug now? it'd be neat to have a female gundam pilot so early, though i doubt the show will do anything that cool with it
- i don't even think jerid realizes he killed kamille's mom, so he's probably very confused right now
- oh, yep. he's incredibly confused
- god, this is a clusterfuck
- emma seems smart. if she wasn't around i bet things go south very quickly here. more than they already have i mean
- i get why everyone is doing what they're doing, but it seems very funny to me to ask someone who just saw they're mother get shot to calm down
- quattro and emma getting out of their mobile suits to try and talk to kamille is a really nice moment
- captain: quattro, what's the vibe here?
quattro: idk, she seems alright
- man, i get this is gundam and slapping is par for the course, but i'm going to point out every time that it probably isn't the healthiest way to get someone to snap out of shock. kamille just saw his mom get shot in his hands!
- kamille laughing seems like a bad sign
- dude! stop slapping your family! he just saw his mom die!
- dude! you killed his mom on accident! maybe don't taunt him about it!
- emma is the only person in this show with any chill, except maybe quattro
- man, bask is so full of shit. "i don't want to use hostages." then don't????
- yay emma!
- idk if dadmille is going to be cool with the terrorism or what, but emma clearly doesn't give a shit
- hell yeah emma! the guard just floating around the cell is very funny
- and kamille is finally communicating with people, which is a positive step i feel
- this escape rules
- uh oh, jerid's fucking everything up again
- if you're going to defect you should probably shoot the not!zakus while they're just sitting there
- what's the plan here for aeug if the mk ii's weren't returning?
- happy with how things shook out for emma.
- i absolutely don't trust franklin, he's going to for sure betray them
man i wish they'd explain stuff more. i know there's a show called 0083 that i assume goes into the stuff that led up to this, but i wish we got more of that up front here. still, the show's real good so far.
Episode 5: Father and Son
franklin is going to either betray them and die horribly or finally bond some with kamille and then die horribly
- starting off with a eulogy for kamille's mom
- so the titans only use earth mobile suits and so won't touch the rick dias? then why use the hizack, zaku's weren't earth suits?
- huh, franklin seems genuinely worried about the suits before taking the blowtorch
- franklin is not very smart
- rip that guy
- i like them shoving each other around in zero g. quattro has moves
- quattro is also willing to kill kamille's dad, so he gets the mission
- hey, yall heard of the red comet? no reason, quattro just reminds me of him
- kamille also seems willing to kill his dad. i have so much love and respect in my heart for this boy. just the most 15 years old anyone has ever been
- would be funny if the titans shot franklin and the attack quattro planned went off mostly as expected
- jerid must have been told "oh, the new lt commander is jamaican" and thought it was his name
- i'm amazed they managed to catch up with the custom 3x faster rick dias
- uh oh! there goes a gundam leg!
- franklin's mistress is way too hot for him, there's no fucking way
- i still love the cord phones in space
- why'd you take the arm off? the gundam needs that
- reccoa, you're putting too much faith in kamille. at this point amuro had a kill count in the double digits, and i don't think kamille's acomplished anything through actual piloting skill
- cutting to bask saying "this is war" and then cutting away is such a weird choice
- guess he can't shoot him
- dude, you can't complain about him pointing a gun at you while shooting at him!
- rip franklin, and more importantly rip to quattro's cool custom rick dias
- quattro is refreshingly honest here. and emma takes it well
- putting a lot on his shoulders there quattro
- even quattro's doing it! everyone is being very nice to him and playing along with his little disguise, and i think he knows it
- kamille is the only one who hasn't realized what quattro's deal is, and insulting him to his face is very funny
- quattro: you'd listen to what char had to say, right?
kamille: why, is he here?
quattro: i think he would want you to do as i told you
kamille: fuck off, this is bullshit
- emma has clearly already clocked him as well, this is so funny
- i like quattro killing kamille's dad and adopting him
- i predict quattro bageena will continue to provide a rich vein of goofs going forward. at least until cca
i appreciate how this show has yet to have a single episode that feels fight of the week. kamille hasn't accomplished jack shit so far and i love that for him
Episode 6: To Earth
ok i acquired a version with the good 80s opening. hell yeah, this shit rules
- now i'm a little nervous, since the original series started to drag a little once they reached earth. but on the other hand, amuro had killed many people by this time, and kamille hasn't even landed a hit
- everyone is shitting on jerid. it's what he deserves
- i love all the scifi tactics stuff, but i've never been able to follow these maps
- kamille's trying to get quattro a new suit, how nice of him
- ohh, so kamille will design the zeta gundam and that'll be what he actually ends up piloting by the end
- how does kamille know he's a newtype? did he have to take a test for school?
- kamille tossed that disc on purpose
- the guy just jogging thru the halls of the ship is very funny
- i feel like i've seen the face emma makes here before. maybe it got used as the thumbnail for a video, or someone used it as their smug anime girl avi
- i like how you keep your rank even if you defect
- gassing a colony is real bad stuff, but kamille listening in on the crew listening in on reccoa is hard to take seriously
- god jerid sucks. i kinda love it
- earthnoid is a dumb word
- kamille: why was there a riot on colony 30?
quattro: mans inhumanity to man is an inherent trait, one that we must constantly strive to overcome. that struggle is all that differentiates us from the beasts
kamille: ....
- oh, so it's only reccoa who's going down to earth?
- preparing for the obligatory fight
- kamille needs to stop being a creep and let reccoa do the thing
- you think quattro ever thought he would pilot a gundam?
- jerid tries to psych himself up. he does not succeed
- the building tension as they approach is really well done
- love quattro's little death star trench run
- did tomino just have a really good vacation in brazil? why is that the dedicated good guy zone?
- is lmr a newtype?
- that hizack should probably have just punched the bridge
- oh shit it's the old boy! amuro seems to be living it up. he deserves it
- how did jerid know it was kamille?
- go kamille! kick him in the dick!
- kamille's first actual victory! he cut off an arm!
- i like how zeta's narrator gives the occasional poetic eulogy
i love how kamille and jerid are like a shitty bootleg version of amuro and char. neither of them have scored a single kill! this was the first episode that felt a little fight of the week, they probably could have just had the capsule thing worked and moved on, but the fights are all really good, and i know this is the format, so i don't mind
Episode 7: Escape From Side One
man this is a good op
- i love how much everyone hates jerid. it's good for the soul
- this guy seems like a crank. how do you not believe in newtypes after seeing people psychically control the laser tentacles?
- kamille is getting promoted because they can tell he's not going to stop stealing the gundam. this was what, the 4th time?
- blex: well child soldiers won the one year war for the federation, so we figured we'd give it a shot
- kamille: is it really ok to send children into battle? i know i'm a newtype, but this can't be ok to do
quattro: i don't see why not
quattro: hell, i remember fighting in the one year war against-
quattro: ....
quattro: funf...
quattro: penis...
quattro: and he was the strongest soldier i've ever met!
- quattro's adherence to enigmatic philosophy remains wonderful to see
- did not realize this aired in a timeslot that allowed nipples!
- lila mira rira apparently loves war, but has good strategems
- also doesn't like jamaican, but is willing to go out with jerid for some reason. i have a hunch she just signed her death warrant
- lila: i'll make it for sure
guys, i think she's fucked
- colony 30 is in a bad way
- that's a very weird cut to commercial break
- yeah quattro? you're gonna talk about having blood on your hands?
- so why didn't emma (titan) know about the gassing if lila mira lila (not a titan) did? and what did they tell people happened?
- how did the mummies stay where they were for so long?
- god this is depressing
- lila talking with kamille. will she come to any realizations? probably not
- people seem really concerned about newtypes, i'd assumed they were just accepted at this point
- lmao, i don't think quattro is being decieved by the zabis
- why was shooting at her no use? quattro? answer the question!
- maybe the guy who scored zero kills shouldn't be taking point?
- kamille's special move remains grappling
- nice headshot! but sadly that is still not a kill, the cockpit survived
- lila mira rira seems not a fan of fighting a child soldier
- rip lila mira rira. i'm going to start a fridging count now. no caveats, no factors considered beyond "the primary result of a womans death is a mans motivation"
- fridge count: 2
- jerid: why! why did he kill her!!! what's the purpose of war!!!!!
henken: hey man, great job killing a human person! you're now officially part of the team
- tbh i don't think amuro ever made the decision to become a soldier either, it kind of just happened to him
Episode 8: The Dark Side of the Moon
i like pink floyd, but i admit to not being enough of a fan to think of any jokes here
- oh, so this is just the new opening narration? it works
- hey, jerid has a better suit now. can't believe he was piloting a standard
zaku hizack until now
- quattro showing up with emma like 'your mother and i are very concerned. you know you can tell us anything?'
- glad to hear emma's free to do what she wants now
- wait, does kamille not know he's a newtype?
- emma met amuro on a trip with her girlfriend? good for her
- i suppose amuro is living on his parents inheritance in a sense, given that he's as rich as he is because of the gundam
- kamille: so do you think char aznable is on this ship?
emma: yes, i think i do
kamille: you've met him actually
emma: huh?
quattro: :/
- and then he gaslights her. great going
- jerid's out for revenge. somehow i don't see this working out for him
- how's quattro going to manage without a custom mobile suit? this one has the factory colors, that's no good
- i like how the animators clearly decided having realistic cockpits was for nerds, so now they can see things and have a million screens
- jerid: you shot the girl i asked out on a date!
kamille: dude, you killed my mom!!!
- ok, jerid isn't completely worthless
- kamille's dedication to grappling at every opportunity continues to amuse me
- good guys have red beam sabers, bad guys have green
- good fight
- oh wow, i thought the episode was going to end with kamille saying he wouldn't die
- huh, why does quatro bajeena have a photograph of a young casval and artesia zeon on his desk? what a weird thing for someone to have? totally unsuspicious though
- lmao at this guy just fucking saying it. come on, don't break kayfabe!
- we need to bring back anime hairstyles with volume
- love his computer with the credit card reader on the side. also love him going to macdaniels, the burger place
- lmao, jerid got put in the brig
- macdaniels even has a clown mascot! and it's run by the terrorists!
- ohh, so jaburo isn't good, it's still federation or titan headquarters, they're attacking it
- going after the capitol would be a great move if it worked, but i feel like it's gotta be way riskier
- quattro would never risk damaging earth! how could you think such a thing!
- thought the mobile suit bullets only dinged the car and was going to call bullshit
- and the episode ends with a second action sequence
this show is good at tense action scenes
Episode 9: A New Bond
can't wait to actually see the zeta gundam
- open on reccoa spying on some transports in jaburo (i assume)
- quickly is caught and harassed by some soldiers, including a grope that seemed unnecessary-
- holy shit it's my boy! kai's back, and he's in a snazzy white suit and he disarms the soldiers and makes them run off. god i love kai, glad to see he's cool
- there's a titan officer who hasn't arrived at granada like expected
- granada claims it isn't able to fully resupply the titans, the titans think granada is full of dirty aeug sympathizers
- it's nice to see kamille working on haro, he needs a pet or something
- kamille is skipping meetings and getting slapped for it, business as usual
- man, kai rules. jaburo has moved somewhere else i guess? these subs aren't the best
- it must be really risky for kai to be doing this, he's gotta be a prominent public figure, or at least noteworthy to the titans
- huh, i guess the colonies are america pre revolution according to this guy? would the one year war be a failed revolutionary war, or what?
- jesus christ! you can't just beat the shit out of a kid for no reason! at least kamille is fighting back, but wow
- you know what, fuck this guy
- wong's his name? fuck wong
- kamille is right, he didn't deserve to be abandoned there. this kind of thing is par for the course with quattro, but i expected better of emma
- stop hitting him! christ, he's gonna get brain damage
- let me be clear, i am on your side kamille. but you are not the main reason the argama has survived this long. that's not why wong hit you, he hit you because he's a dick, but that is absolutely an arrogant thing to say
- does kamille call himself autistic in the source? because he for sure is, i'm just curious
- anyways, haro is working again, so i think we're done tearing kamille down
- oh hell yeah, the hyaku shiki looks fucking sick. surprised the gold coloring isn't more common
- they are giving jerid so many chances
- kamille should not be piloting, he should probably be in the hospital
- have we seen these char-like mobile suits yet?
- war profiteers playing both sides is always a good wrinkle
- i didn't realize they knew quattro was the leader of the mobile suits
- the raid is a very efficient operation
- quattro saving kamille while kamille has his eyes close is a very sad moment
- oh, jerid is part of the counterraid. kamille feels a disturbance in the force, but quattro (who should know better) just calls him selfish
- glad emma's getting her time to shine
- kamille with the save is good, and i'm glad this doesn't undermine emma's competence too much
- you should trust kamille's newtypeness on all this!
- i personally wouldn't wear a white suit to a stealth mission, but kai is pulling it off
Episode 10: Reunion
are we going to see more amuro in this one?
- emma: you should get used to the military, or else you'll get the shit beat out of you again
kamille: you understand this isn't a compelling pitch, right?
- you're barely even military, you're all ex-military terrorists rn! you're casual about everything else, be chill about this as well
- ah, so the zeta gundam's big thing is that it transforms. and it can do atmospheric reentry because of it. very toyetic
- emma saying all the things quattro said at the meeting while he recites the party line is very funny
- quattro is the most 80s looking motherfucker i've ever seen
- lmao the location of the hijacked ship is "a military secret"
- the marasai looks like the halfway point between char's zaku and the sazabi. i like it a lot
- quattro is ice cold, as always
- lot of action here, pretty good. this show is really managing to differentiate kamille from amuro while still showing him to be incredibly skilled. kamille is going up against skilled pilots from the outset, so he only has a handful of kills, but him managing to outmaneuver them shows a lot of talent, while amuro was going against people completely unprepared for the gundam, so he was slaughtering them by the truckload to start until they got used to him. minor stuff, but i think it's neat and it really shows that the world is in a different place now than during the one year war
- i love the way the mobile suits are drawn in this show
- when are people going to just be on board with him being a newtype?
- oh, the reunion is with bright?
- that is a big gun
- what's the mobile armor doing?
- that's fa, is bright carrying refugees from green noa?
- quattro doesn't know who bright is?
- bright: i seem to remember you gunning down civilians fleeing from my ship during a battle
quattro: that must have been some other guy. but i'm sure that guy was cool and handsome. and was probably doing that for a good reason
- and here's the reunion, because quattro and bright never met
- guess her parents are out of the picture, which gives kamille a new goal? or just motivation? idk
not much to say here, episode was mostly action
Episode 11: Entering the Atmosphere
thought my extremely legal video had decided 11 episodes in to switch over to the instrumental op, but i just had vlc on the wrong audio track
- who's this asshole
- in the secular world?? is this guy a monk?
- is jupiter like a weird cult zone? is that what the deal was with the guy who was the newtype amuro fought before lalah?
- i can't tell if they're playing wingman for him or just think he's a growing boy
- kamille, be nice to fa
- why's bright the captain? like, i get why he defected, but is walking up and saying you want to join enough to become captain? emma was on house arrest for like 6 episodes!
- please just assume from here on out every comment on a scene where quattro and bright are seen together is preceded by a lmao
- so it isn't the og haro. makes a lot of sense, haro was on the white base when it blew iirc
- so bright did end up with mirai!
- fa, do you really not know why kamille would be upset about mentioning families being taken hostage? oh wait, you don't. idk how, but sonmeone should probably let her know
- jerid you are one million times more confident than you should ever be about anything
- kacricorn has a lover on earth. rip
- glad bright has faith in mirai
- quattro, i think bright might be onto you, and you repay this by saying you know about his kids?
- henken very quickly saying goodbye after seeing fa walk in is alright, but it would be better if i really cared about fa
- the jupiter cultist not sending out the mobile suits will hopefully prove to be a fatal mistake
- this new atmospheric entry addon is very goofy looking
- ok nevermind the lmao, bright trusting quattro to save his family is actually really good. he's really stepping out, and we'll see if quattro reciprocates
- bright, you should have drawn the map to begin with!
- fa: i hear your parents died
kamille: hey, what the fuck kind of way of starting a conversation is that?
- i feel bad for them, but like. come on, this is not a particularly compelling relationship
- this backing track smells like rock and roll part 2, but fuck gary glitter so whatever
- yeah fa, he's leaving! what did you think being a pilot meant!
- ok, maybe this guy isn't all talk. i feel like he's going to be here a while
- emma no! you aren't the main character, i don't see this working out for you!
- oooh, it transforms. i like the color shift there lasting as long as it did
- new guy retreats :(
- fa! stop going into military only zones!
- was worried emma would be fridged, but she made it
- bright slapping people is just part of who he is i guess
- yeah, rip kacricon, you died for nothing
- jerid you should have gone with him
this show had better give me a better idea of the big picture soon, i have no clue what's going on there, and the argama isn't nearly imperiled enough for me to not care about that stuff. the white base was on the run the entire time, so i was focused on that. the argama doesn't have that
Episode 12: The Road to Jaburo
looking forward to this
- oh yeah, they're still in reentry
- this reentry attack from above is such a cool idea
- oh yeah, kamille's a spacian born and raised. never seem earth before
- did i miss kai and reccoa being kidnapped? they do gotta get outta there asap
- fighters as the first line of defence?
- jerid, shut the fuck up. you are going to get your ass handed to you
- i really like the slowmo when kamille gets that one fighter. it's a cool effect
- unlike the last time we saw jaburo, the animals aren't comic relief here. that monkey is very dead
- jerid, do you really expect this to go well?
- yeah kamille doesn't even get scratched
- it's amazing that they keep missing the gundam in such a tight space
- quattro, the base is abandoned!
- i really don't feel like mr wong was super successful in his goal. i think kamille just wasn't as stubborn as you thought
- go newtype power! find reccoa and kai! kamille, have you still not accepted you're a newtype?
- jerid just dodged and made quattro shoot a different titan. great job
- oh jeez. nukes are bad!
- this show is good, but it somehow feels so much less grounded and substantial than 0079 did. idk, maybe i'll try to put it into words later
- idk why quattro just believed them like that, but now they have to worry about getting out
- what do you mean 'of course', you'd absolutely leave the prisoners behind under different circumstances
- oh, they're hostages. that makes more sense
- jerid sucks, but at least he helps those guys get in the truck
- kai, what exactly makes that a gundam? is it the horns? it's the horns, isn't it
- kai: you look young
kai, how old were you in 0079?
- has kai ever met quattro?
- oh good, someone new for jerid to get killed
- what happened to his sunglasses?
- that's a big explosion.
- kai: you said this man's name was quattro bajeena? interesting...
- hey, it's hayato! good to see all the white base crew are being cool about the titans
Episode 12 Postmortem
i'm still enjoying it, but i finally put my finger on 2 things that have been bugging me about this show. first: this is a show that does not care about logistics. it acts like it does, it has communications as plot points, and you see the ways mobile suits get around minovsky particles to communicate long distance with flares coming out of the finger, but it's so much less concerned with logistics than 0079 was. in 0079, in the first 2 episodes char loses 3 zakus. this is a big deal, and episode 3 is entirely dedicated to him restocking, while he gets chewed out for losing them and needs to prove the gundam is just that powerful. jerid's lost 5 mobile suits personally and they keep giving him new ones. it doesn't feel like the individual mobile suits represent many hours of labor, lots of expensive materials, and the cost of transporting them to the frontlines in the way it almost always did in 0079. there were a few exceptions, that one mobile suit char's crew sends out without telling him that he's just very confused by comes to mind, but mostly it stayed true to that.
in 0079 the first new mobile suit after the first episode is the gouf, which ramba ral has in episode 12. that upgrade is because he's being tasked by zeon high command with an important mission, and they know he'll need a more powerful mobile suit than the zakus that have failed so far. it's explicit that zeon is just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks with the mobile armors introduced in seemingly every episode in the back half, because they're in a bad position and need to get out of it. on the federation side there are 3, but all 3 are prototypes where they're trying to figure out what works. so when this show is at the same point and has introduced at least 2 mass produced suits for both sides, as well as like 4 or 5 other suits that aren't even the gundam, it feels so much messier. and when jerid can just keep breaking mobile suits with no results as a new recruit who's never accomplished anything it makes it feel like they don't matter and the titans are just completely incompetent. despite aesthetically being so much more hard scifi gritty war story, it's actually worse at that than 0079.
this was kind of stream of consciousness, but i hope that made sense. and i don't want to make it sound like i hate the show or anything, i just think the show aesthetically went one direction but the actual content went another. this show is focused a lot more on kamille than 0079 did with amuro, and i really like that focus. the show just seems out of sync with itself, and i think that's partially because the showrunners aren't used to the kinds of demands placed on them here by bandai, so i hope they can start to tell better stories while still introducing more mobile suits. and the mobile suits are very good, as is the action generally. though the action is definitely less based in military tactics and more in cool robot fights, that's fine. i like the cool robot part of the wow cool robot meme, and it's delivering that, even if it isn't with the other half
Episode 13: Shuttle Launch
all the stuff i just said aside, i am generally enjoying this, and i see why a lot of people like it better than the original, so i'm hoping i start to get into the groove now
- hello mr hymen. i'm going to just keep calling him that
- this opening bit genuinely does a lot to alleviate a lot of my complaints about the groundedness of the show. like, not even close to completely
- interesting choice of music for amuro to listen to. i didn't really see him as the jazz ballad type
- nice to see fraw bow and the orphans again. admittedly none of that is accurate anymore, but fraw kobayashi sounds weird and i can't exactly just call her fraw
- horribly disappointing the orphans now look llike humans drawn in the same style as the rest of the people in the show. give me the gremlins back!
- fraw kobayashi is pregnant?
- soldiers keeping an eye on amuro, huh. no wonder he's just hanging out in his mansion.
- amuro: kid, i've seen enough bloodshed to last a lifetime
katz: you're 22! you're not that much older than me!
- unclear exactly what the deal is with karaba, but i appreciate the sense that this is an actual civil war. prior to this it felt kind of like the whole thing had been secret until episode 1, which made a lot of the logistics way weirder
- kai has to run to the bathroom during an important meeting.
- so karaba is able to take over a facility like this, but not keep it
- hayato passing the guncannon while worrying about kai is really nice
- "captain quattro, he is A CHAR." i never would have guessed
- very funny how kai starts off this spy letter with pleasantries
- hayato: "it is a cowardly action on char's part to use a false name..."
not what he said. i can read the letter, it did not say that
- yeah bright has experience with fighting while doing other things. idk how much of that was actually his doing though
- did hayato just expose kai's excellent spywork to quattro?
- this shuttle looks old as shit compared to the rest of these.
- quattro still denying he's char is very funny. no one buys it
- hayato why would you encourage him to take power?
- even kamille is bullying him now
- hayato: listen, everyone knows. what's the harm in acknowledging it?
quattro, through gritted teeth: my name is quattro bajeena
[kamille punches him across the room somehow, despite them being on earth]
- oh good, the federation is attacking
- rip that guy. rip roberto too
- i don't feel like that shoulder maneuver should have worked
- this whole fight was decent
this episode felt really good. the show seemed like it got back on its feet to an extent, like this was what it was wanting to do the whole time. it's more of a direct sequel than it's been till now. it hasn't exactly solved my complaints, but the aim of the show feels different enough that i care less
Episode 14: Amuro Flies Again
genuinely excited to see what amuro contributes to this series
- so the republic of zeon is starting to make moves again? and earth doesn't care about what the spacenoids are up to
- i like rosamia's purple hair
- i love how you can see the real world tech advancing even when it doesn't make much sense. they're handing around floppy disks now, when they had to use weird tapes to do things in 0079
- good old quattro, not caring about the deaths of his men
- nice to see amuro making sure to give them a nice sendoff
- i think they're being a bit harsh, but amuro you do have powerful psychic powers. i think you could probably come up with something that worked
- amuro i'd think you'd be against bringing in child soldiers. maybe not though
- come on, if you're bringing any of them you should bring all of them that want to go
- i get not bringing fraw because of the pregnancy, but there's no reason to make this a thing the men will take care of
- this plan seems not well thought out, but if it works it works
- glasses guy is me if i was a spy. i'd get too distracted reading the magazine that was a part of my disguise to watch my target
- i like the hizack transports flying over the cowboys
- lets not pretend quattro cares about civilians
- another transforming mobile suit? this is starting to be a bit much
- quattro taking out those hizacks without looking was cool
- mobile suits flying on sleds always feels very risky
- rosamia: who thinks about where they're fighting in the middle of the battle????
everyone does this! you need to know where you're fighting! you aren't a spherical mobile armor in a frictionless vacuum, you exist in a real space with things around you that could be obstacles or assets!
- the transformation to shake him off was a neat trick
- quattro with the save
- i like how hayato understands that there are ways of communication that don't involve hitting people. seems to be the only adult in the universal century to grasp this
- would have appreciated it being more clear that kamille's newtype senses were tingling with her, but oh well
- huh, rosamia has enhanced lungs. right as i was about to theorize, it turns out she's a cyber-newtype? wild
- the transforming mobile suits/armors seem broken. plz nerf
- quattro makes a very funny face when his gun gets shot
- i like char and amuro sensing each other before they realize what's up
- amuro's kamikaze attack was not too successful, but he survived and drove the mobile armor off, so good job there.
- char and amuro's reunion.... gay gay homosexual gay
- can't wait to see where that goes!
this show is much more successful as a drama than as a war story, which is a little weird, but when it leans into it it's really good
Episode 15: Katz's Sorty
less excited to see what katz contributes
- listen, i have a feeling i'm going to be feeling bad for all the cyber newtypes. just a hunch, with nothing to back it up
- is rosamia australian?
- amuro: did you send fraw over to me?
hayato: did it annoy you?
amuro: not really
hayato: then yes, that was me
- amuro you are 22. you do not get to feel old watching the new generation rise up
- katz and kamille are very polite to each other. it's good to feel like this show finally has a relatively substantial supporting cast
- it's good to see katz's perspective on what was going on back then, as well as some more on what hayato's been up to since the war ended. the reason they had kennedy so easily was because he was the director there
- nice to see quattro still has a healthy respect for everyone on the white base
- it's the meme! quattro probably wouldn't meet up with amuro just to mock him, but i bet he'd make sure to do so if he was in the area
- glad to see them healthily discussing lalah. i'm sure this will end well and without any counterattacking necessary
- amuro talking to kamille about their shared experiences is also very good
- rosamia's paranoia about this seems legitimately delusional
- what the hell is anyone doing in a biplane? it belongs in a museum
- katz is very enthusiastic about helping. so far i'm on board with him being here
- kamille you can't sleep in a binder, it may help your dysphoria but it's super bad for you (or so i'm told, having no personal experience with the matter
- beltorchika? i thought that was sayla for a second and got excited. i know her va was sick or on vacation or something, but i still would like to see more sayla
- katz does not appreciate being treated like a child
- why does amuro need to be woken up for this? that's no reason to be mean, but i don't see why he needs to be there
- hmm. very weird to sniff him, even if it's just because you think you recognized the soap
- quattro seeing amuro talking to someone and sort of awkwardly scooting past the door
- thank you for not outing quattro
- san francisco? coming up while quattro is avoiding amuro? hmmm
- and amuro defends quattro? what's up with them? (holy hell no wonder this ship kept the franchise afloat)
- love to see a good bridge
- come on katz, no need to steal the gundam when you already have a perfectly good pilot. maybe start off in a gm or a rick dias, something replaceable if you fuck up in a suit you've never piloted before
- how many times has the gundam mk ii been stolen? too many. someone put a lock on that thing
- has beltorchika not heard of amuro? i feel like he must be famous
- yeah obviously amuro doesn't want to fight, but if there are 15 year olds in the field of battle he knows he should probably be out there too
- beltorchika also afraid of the sky falling. makes sense the colony drop would have that kind of widespread effect. i saw what it did to australia
- yeah no shit it's different from a zaku! the gundam was completely different, and this is 8 years beyond that!
- yeah it's real obvious you aren't as good as kamille
- quattro and kamille with the save
- hey, at least katz didn't completely blow it. just mostly
- kamille, why are you angry about her damaging the bridge. that's not the biggest problem here
- oh, she escaped. and of course kamille smells the scent of a woman or whatever the deal with matilda was
- there aren't many real teamwork based kills, so it's nice to see that
- stop hitting your kid :(
- i mean, katz fucked up real bad, but slapping him is not the answer
after the lowpoint of episode 12 the show's still going strong. kamille's been sidelined for a few episodes, so i hope we'll see more of him soon
Episode 16: Through the Haze of Darkness
the opening is still a bop
- this guy whose name i still can't remember is pissed at the titans. interservice rivalry will be the death of these fascists
- how do newtypes let you encrypt good? whatever, just roll with it
- i do not follow this scene. beltorchika is discussing amuro's past then starts making out with him with no real build up. they don't really have chemistry, idk what's going on here
- i do like quattro and amuro's talk afterwords though. that's a conversation that has dramatic tension and weight to it. they've still got it, at least part of the time
- flashback's also pretty good
- katz trying to make up for stealing the gundam is nice
- aww, quattro's jealous
- everyone worrying over katz is very sweet. he's just a kid, he really shouldn't be here
- quattro is looking forward to the chance to mentor someone else, i think he liked doing it with kamille
- hayato is putting a lot of trust in quattro given their history together
- i'm amazed beltorchika wasn't fridged
- amuro: here take this gun. i shot at the red comet char aznable with this.
amuro: and now i entrust it to you, to do the same if he tries anything shifty
- dang he's already pointing it at him
- i really like quattro, it's a shame we'll be missing him for a time
- kamille is wondering how amuro can think of women right now, but i'll give this to amuro. it's worth worrying about the one person on your side whose whereabouts are unknown
- i like how all the mobile suits have beam sabers now
- farewell to quattro and katz
- i really want kamille to ask beltorchika what the fuck she's talking about. she doesn't need to make out with amuro if she doesn't want to
i feel bad, because there's a long history of love interests in male dominated series getting shit on unjustly, but i really dislike beltorchika. i'm hopeful amuro as mentor will be interesting, but i feel like it can only be less interesting than char. 2 steps forward, one step back i suppose
Episode 17: Hong Kong City
what's in hong kong? guess i'll find out
- the current goal is to make everyone aware that the aeug exists. i'm still fuzzy on the details here. that cop in episode 1 sure thought kamille should know what the aeug was
- i almost asked what happened to new hong kong, but. i'm amazed anything in east asia is liveble after the war, especially anywhere on a coast. the fact that new hong kong is there now is really something
- ignoring beltorchika for now, i really love the little bits we see of kamille working on the gundam. with his number pad computer wired in and everything
- beltorchika is just super aggravating. why would you assume amuro is better at piloting the gundam mk ii? he's never tried. and you didn't even know he was an ace in the one year war, so it's not like you had some preexisting notion that he was the best around. so what gives?
- jesus, this is frustrating
- what's jerid up to? i miss jerid, he was fun. it's nice to have a guy around who just sucks, and the show knows it
- ominous black mobile armor shows up
- i've heard of four murasame before. i didn't know she was from zeta
- [roger moore voice] a woman?
- i say let her do what she wants. what's the worst that could happen?
- dude don't be a creep
- this bit introducing us to new hong kong reminds me of cowboy bebop, specifically the episode where they're docked somewhere and have to look for the betamax player. makes sense, they're both sunrise
- oh shit it's mirai!
- i have heard things about hathaway. i will be watching his career with great interest
- it really does feel like amuro's been stagnating. i do hope we see more of that, but i'd also like the show to give kamille more time in the spotlight
- dang, that guy was not happy amuro cut in line
- beltorchika kneeing that guy in the balls does make me respect her a little more
- uh oh! don't think we've had any fights in crowded cities til now, so that's a new kind of bad
- so this is another cyber newtype? i wonder what their deal is. pretty clearly artificial newtypes, but it feels like there's more to it
- amuro confidently declaring he is a soldier is interesting
- it's got the thing the hyaku shikki has that doesn't do anything!
- oh, it's another black gundam. this ones way bigger than the last
- i'm assuming the high grade gunpla is roughly comparable to a perfect grade
- it seems like four just doesn't like being told what to do. have you tried asking nicely?
- this really doesn't feel like a war yet, but if everyone calls it one i guess i might as well go along
- the nemo she shoots manages to miss every shot. it's so big! how do you miss!
- she comments on how they're only dolls. curious where that goes
- the newtype flash there was pretty good
- and it made her run off
- きもちわるい
- the psycho gundam? that's a name for a mobile suit
- mirai you are absolutely a newtype, don't lie to her
- this show has the same understanding of gravity as father pucci
alright, i'm beginning to think that this show is going to have some lower lows than 0079 ever did, but also maybe some higher highs if i'm lucky. very inconsistent so far
Episode 18: Mirai Captured
oh goddammit, 0079 was good about not damselling people
- four is on the run, apparently they're holding her memories hostage? seems fucked up
- mirai is considering going with them, which i'm on board with. except the episodes title is sort of casting a shadow here
- also the fact that she'd be bringing the kids into battle, but katz turned out fine, so that's probably not too big of a concern
- four picked up the toy glider the kids threw off the ship
- these guys all look evil as shit
- kamille sees four playing and looks happy about it. shouldn't your newtype senses be tingling?
- four has heard beltorchika talking about being aeug in broad daylight
- no one here has ever hear the term opsec before. i now sympathize with the supplier last episode who had the guys beat the shit out of amuro for saying his name in public
- kamille you didn't need to jump in through the big window. it's your car, you could have opened the door
- four says hello to kamille and he instantly decides he'll do what she says
- four: so, do you know those two?
kamille: i've never seen them in my life, i hate them so much
four: hmm
- so they're tailing four and amuro at the same time. that should probably be a 2 team job
- kamille: four? that's a weird name
four: it's the name i was given
you are personally acquainted with one mr quattro bajeena. they're the same name!
- also i assume she was named something else before being experimented on?
- some very polite goons waiting for mirai to open the door to burst in and attack
- four bullying kamille into doing things with her is fun
- this is a cute scene tbh
- in the middle of this announcement they drop the glider on amuro. why not just get him right there?
- boo, mirai deserves better
- poor four. she might be the origin of this archetype
- beltorchika is the least stealthy person in the world. why would you let her off the ship if she's this bad at everything?
- hayato, you just told beltorchika to go to the storage base! you can't say you'll avoid dragging it into things after doing that!
- amuro offering himself as a hostage is a real dumb move, but at least it makes some sense for him
- yeah, this must be weird for them. taking a war hero hostage isn't that much better of a look than taking some 4 year olds
- is the earth federation destroying the earth? because i don't really feel like we've seen that beyond the nuke. they're mostly interested in destroying space
- boo, going back on the hostage trade sucks. hope this guy gets his shit rocked
- i like kamilles little car
- pretending to surrender is a tried and true war crime for main characters to pull off. though admittedly after just keeping all the hostages after a hostage swap the federation doesn't have a leg to stand on
- kamille just falls in love with every women he meets. i really hate "the scent of a woman"
- don't worry the gundam can always beat specialized aquatic mobile suits exactly as easily as it can the land ones
- four has a headache that only goes away with her handler
- amuro seizes the moment
- mirai should have jumped in. does she not know how to swim? or is this a thing where only men can save the day here
- weirdly animated mouth to mouth there
- four drinking from the water fountain while mobile suit action is going on in the background is very good
- very impressive that the gundam broke the dock just by flying over it. seems like there should be a lot more collateral damage if that's the case though
i like four a lot. not crazy about the rest of the episode, though i do really like that we seem to be focusing more on kamille
Episode 19: Cinderella Four
i took a break, and i'm feeling a lot better about the last few episodes after some reflection. the stuff i said bugs me still does, but not as much. my knowledge of cinderella and my tendency towards pattern recognition lead me to believe something sad is going to happen to four this episode. can't wait!
- i would also want you out of my city after the last 2 episodes
- amuro is a shitty mentor who's trying his best, which is a good dynamic
- amuro clearly trying to help kamille avoid dealing with cute enemy newtypes which has never gone well and probably never will, but he's too traumatized and awkward to explain himself
- i do like beltorchika here, she seems nosy and worried for amuro, but in ways that make sense and are conducive to good drama
- mirai also good here. trying to respect amuro's privacy, but kamille is close enought to him that she feels like she owes him a partial explanation
- four jaywalking and forcing trucks to swerve rules
- oooh, it's cinderella because they're meeting up and have to return before midnight
- on the one hand you probably shouldn't steal a motorcycle, someone might need that. on the other hand they left the key in the ignition, and at that point it's kind of on you
- idk, cyber newtypes have worked about as well as anything else
- don't call her #4. i assume she's the 4th cyber newtype and they didn't name her, so she took it as a name?
- they have until 12 midnight together :(
- idk why this is working so well for me, but i think it's the fact that they're both clearly reaching past their trauma to try and make human connections. even though they just met them wanting to spend time together feels earned to me
- i say all that and then the guitar kicks in and i can't take it seriously any more
- ok, i support cross faction relationships for good drama, but there is definitely a difference between the fascists who gas colonies and the non-fascists fighting the fascists who gas colonies. that being said, four isn't necessarily a titan and might not have any clue what's going on outside her bubble beyond "you need to fight these people"
- frankly i'm surprised four is the first explicit war orphan we've met who wasn't orphaned on screen, unless i've missed someone. you'd think there'd be more, given that over half of all people died in the one year war
- though i guess most of them were civilians and it happened when the cities were destroyed leaving no survivors because australia was turned into a crater, so probably most of the dead parents children also died
- four looking for her memories is an archetype i've seen before, but this might be one of the earliest examples
- i love the carpet bombing interrupting the romantic music
- thank you kamille for remembering that the reason you fight the federation is because they're carpet bombing their own civilian population for sympathizing with the enemy
- i really like four being super selfish. it gives her personality beyond "is sad about memories" which isn't always a guarantee
- this guy piloting the psycho gundam doesn't know what the fuck he's doing
- man, amuro really is a better pilot than kamille
- yeah, i bet that thing blows big when it eventually goes
- thank god for newtype powers, saving valuable seconds each episode by letting characters just know who it is piloting the mobile suit without any cues
- dang, four's cool. this is maybe the most impressive newtype thing we've seen. lalah did some cool stuff, but that was all with stuff set up for her and the lasers weren't too big. four controlling the psycho gundam without any of that is impressive
- what's up with the animation of the thing coming in? goes in then out then in again? at 14:45 on the youtube version?
- yeah, why not. everyone slap kamille. mirai, i think it's your turn
- kamille: a man can't go out to die just because he's been slapped
it's a good line, but i'm not sure the show agrees. 0079 definitely takes your side, but this show seems to have a different perspective on things
- i like the way they move through physical space in this fight
- oof, she is wrecking this city. might have the highest kill count of any character we've met outside a command role
- kamille has jumping on a mobile armors back ever worked?
- you could argue that the existence of an industrial urban center in a militarized capitalist society like the federation requires the military industrial complex to eternally grow, which would make new hong kong responsible in some respect for the experimentation on four. but i think she probably didn't think that through all the way and is just lashing out
- man :( they probably are lying, but kamille can't know that, and neither can he know the aeug could help
- the combat system forces her to fight?
- that hizack taking off amuros hand and tackling kamille is by far the most impressive a zaku has been since at least episode 10 of 0079
- if beltorchika takes mirai's advice and chills i think i'll end up liking her just fine. she was already a lot better in this episode
i think the show has found its identity, and while i don't necessarily jive with it perfectly i do like this
Episode 20: The Heated Escape
what are they escaping from? i don't see them making a decisive escape this episode, but i could be wrong
- good on amuro for letting kamille speak!
- good on beltorchika for asking what's wrong and not just assuming!
- say what you will about the romance here, the vibes are immaculate
- i love how they have to just tow the psycho gundam because it's too big to hold
- i like this guy pointing out that no one is ever specific enough to give useful information when asked a question in this show
- the federation factions fighting each other is always good to see
- i could not be a mobile suit pilot, it takes me like 3 hours to get used to being awake every morning
- the newtype resonance seems bad
- so the slapping of four is for sure intended to be read as abusive, right? what separates that from when kamille gets hit
- well at least he's letting them know about the kamikaze attack before it happens
- beltorchika: when amuro's around you he takes too many risks!
kamille: what the fuck do you want me to do about that? talk to amuro about it!
- come on, what's the selfishness of a woman and how does it differ from manly selfishness? you're telling me a man wouldn't say "please help my girlfriend return safely" in a dangerous situation?
- kamille deciding to take on four on his own feels like maybe he was listening to beltorchika? idk
- i like fours cockpit being in the head. makes the psycho gundam feel like its own thing
- i thought it was green noa, not green one?
- kamille spilling his guts here is a good scene. he clearly has a lot on his chest that he needed to get out, and no one else he felt he could talk to. i don't blame her for pulling a gun on him though
- everyone is very confused about four crashing into her bosses ship. which makes sense, since i think four is also confused
- four! you should just shoot woodard!
- rip four
- fridge count: 3
- and with one last psychic message to help kamille get back into space-
- she's not dead? just dying i guess. the ship still explodes, so she's dead, just lasted longer than i thought
- rip woodard
- and the insert song is playing while bright moves the argama to pick kamille up
- emma's back! it's been like 9 episodes! and quattro and katz and fa are elsewhere, so maybe she'll get some focus
excited to be back in space, which has historically meant good things. i say historically like i'm not just talking about the one show, but you know
Episode 21: A Sign of Zeta
i know the zeta gundam is a separate thing to the mk ii, i've been to the gunpla wall at my local hobby store. is this where it gets introduced?
- the opening narration is now asking me to do a book report on last episode. i refuse
- oh there's a von braun city? lol. lmao.
- do the titans not already control von braun? what's the deal with federation control of things, because the only way this makes sense is if they're more like the eu than an actual country
- oh, so the titans are trying to set up for a coup. makes more sense, i should have just kept watching
- hello mr. hymen
- or is von braun an attempt at an independent colony? i really like the little bits and pieces of worldbuilding this show drops, but it's really good at making me want to know more. i won't be checking out supplementary stuff unless shared though
- the still unnamed purple man has a ship that can project his image out front. i can respect it
- paptimus scirocco! it's been over 10 episodes and he finally gets a name
- scirocco signs contracts in his own blood. what a character
- going to ignore that his name is spelt hymann here, he's hymen in my heart
- what a weird contract. hymen is his boss, and the leader of a fascist organization. it kind of goes without saying that he'll kill you if you betray him. this feels like suspiciously specific denial
- lmao, kamille you gotta cut the mic before you start bitching!
- bright: everybody stop fighting!
emma: aww, come on. let them get it out of their system
bright: no! this is the bridge!!!
- normally i disapprove of bright slaps, but if it's to interrupt a fight in progress i'm fine with it
- yay emma! normally when people are mean to kamille it doesn't feel earned, but emma is actually talking about something that's a problem with him
- paptimus scirocco looks and acts like he's buddies with touga and saionji from utena
- i like these mobile armors, they look like cool bug robots
- oh hey jerid, i forgot you weren't dead. and you have a friend, mouar
- also the animation got a big boost here
- lmao jerid has a cravat now
- scirocco wants to put a women in charge? good, we need more girlbosses in gundam
- i like that there's no hard feelings, and now they just want to bum the porn they assume kamille got on earth
- i like how this show goes full anime with the hair colors, when they were pretty grounded in 0079 from what i remember
- having a battleship cannon was what made the gundam such a threat early on. char fled their first battle when he realized that, and could have won if he hadn't. so it's interesting that battleship cannons have apparently progressed so much along with mobile suits over the years
- i was already convinced the new mobile suits were cool, you didn't need to go this far for my sake
- uh oh! being ejected from the gundam probably isn't good. neither is it losing its arm, but that's fixable
- oh shit, fa's helping! hell yeah, glad to see her doing things
- the zeta gundam!
- scirocco sucks a lot, i respect that
this episode ruled. i liked the focus on the titans and scirocco, i liked the new mobile suits, i liked that it made me somewhat interested in fa, i liked that we finally got a sense of what the argama crew was like beyond legacy characters emma and kamille. good shit!
Episode 22: The Eyes of Scirroco
i guess they figured they needed someone who could fulfill char's actual role from 0079 where he was a recurring villain who felt like an actual threat, as opposed to whatever's going on with jerid
- on the one hand it's kind of frustrating seeing jerid just keep failing upwards. on the other hand it's very funny to see him keep failing upwards
- oh right, scirocco's got religion. makes it convenient for the writers when they need him to do things that are objectively stupid
- hey it's the zeta! i like apolly
- i think the show has found its footing with the drama, because fa and kamille arguing is way more compelling than it was early on
- i guess the aeug de facto controls the moon
- henken sending a present to emma is kind of cute
- bright eating vending machine hamburger while chatting is very funny
- emma: kamille is instinctively attracted to me!
same, bright. i also made that face when informed that kamille is instinctively attracted to emma due to his mother complex
- jerid: are you prepared to kill!?
newbie: never!
jerid: what are you doing here!!????? why are you in the secret fascism branch of the military!!????
newbie: i won't kill unless i have to
jerid: ok, then you'll die
newbie: i simply will not
- oh shit! new eyecatch that isn't kind of pissstained! it's basically the same except a normal color palette and the zeta gundam instead of the mk ii
- fa gets told she'll be taking a nemo and the rick dias is for batch, says "ok!" and immediately takes the rick dias. queen shit
- emma has the gundam mk ii now. hopefully that goes well
- bright is so sick of dealing with newtype shenanigans
- oh, scirocco just thought it would be funny to see what happened if he promoted jerid again. valid
- zeta gundam with the save!
- i'm unclear what the benefit of the transformation is, but it doesn't really matter. it's to sell toys
- jerid continues to eat shit. fa loses a leg
- i like kamille going to protect fa before realizing who the pilot was
- rip siddeley. been a long while since we've spent a bit of time with an enemy pilot over the episode to make us care more when they die
- sarah panics and runs, taking jerid with her. the man just cannot catch a break
- everyone is being very nice to jerid. it's very funny, the titans all love jerid. they're constantly asking him if he needs anything, promoting him every time something goes wrong so he doesn't feel bad. meanwhile kamille is pretty consistently getting results and he gets the shit kicked out of him by his own guys. my man gets no respect
- scirocco laughing at jerid for saying he didn't get reinforcements for broader military tactical reasons is extremely good
- kamille finally doing some honest to god introspection
- fa, when your boss is letting you off the hook say thank you and move on, don't try to justify yourself further
- i assume bright only said it was ok because newtypes in mobile suits they aren't supposed to use basically always goes well
- emma has never gotten a present before i guess
not much happened, but that's fine. it was a good episode
Episode 23: Moon Attack
this looks like the last episode with the current opening. that's a shame, i don't think the next one is as good
- oh, wong's alive. bummer
- i would side with quattro over wong on just about any issue
- i like how they have a phone that they have to use to make video calls
- quattro throwing blex under the bus i guess
- listen emma. you should just be grateful kamille cleans at all
- kamille is a good boy, and i love the little panel that holds a glass of water in his bed
- oh, so he did get earth porn. editing emma into the "does he know?" meme as we speak
- i love how petty fa and kamille are
- thank you for explaining why you're attacking von braun city
- jerid is trying to be the cool honorable nazi general, but he sucks so bad. i love it
- why is it so abnormal to have women in the battlefield? the white base did fine and sayla was like the second best pilot on it
- though i suppose it might be noteworthy how every enemy he has any connection to except jerid has been a woman
- i like fa getting in the robot because i support women's rights
- scirocco is holding his units back to try and get credit for acting as the cavalry
- quattro is trying to get the grunt suits to a higher survival rate, but is unsuccessful
- i didn't think i'd actually be invested in fa's piloting, but it's working for me. her shaking off her nerves was good
- i like kamille needing to rescue her less
- apolly proving he's got moves by killing a hizack behind him without looking
- scirocco making his move by attacking von braun directly while the rest of the troops are occupied
- oldtypes is very dumb
- is this the first ordinary mobile suit that we've seen the anti-beam coating actually work for?
- scirocco watched all the episodes jerid was in and realized if he sends jerid out first he can force kamille into fighting jerid through the rules of the narrative, sidelining the gundam from the actual battle
- kamille and jerid are now sensing each other so strongly it knocks kamille the fuck out
- quattro has to grapple jerid with a missing arm to make the save. i think this is the first time this has worked
- the hyaku shiki's fins are removable, like a lizard tail
- jerid sure is dedicated to killing kamille. let the record show that you started the whole thing
- welp. mark this one as a loss
- are they going to give jerid an eyepatch to try and make him cool
- i'd say jerid has low self-esteem, but actually i think his self-esteem is about where it should be
- jamaican slapping scirocco for winning the battle is very funny. he deserves it, but not for that!
- fa expects to be hit. kamille doesn't hit her because he's been there, while the others accept reasoning they'd never accept from kamille. that was a rough battle, she did her best
decent battle, not too interesting in the specifics
Episode 24: Counterattack
this definitely isn't char's but i wonder if it bears any relation?
- scirocco features prominently in the new op, as well as someone who looks like four but with purple hair
- also it has sound effects, which does rule. it isn't as good as the first one, but it'll grow on me
- quattro and blex are on earth, spying on mr hymen in the sahara desert. unclear what kind of meeting hall this is where they're both in the same room
- kamille is the worst person to send on a scouting mission lmao
- so is the aeug still has a political wing that goes to meetings and runs in elections and shit?
- shree klime is a good gundam name. like keef girgo in andor
- lmao jerid got left behind and jamaican won't take him on as a pilot. smart move!
- and jerid sees kamille. so much for that cover story! you could have worn a hat or something
- jerid gets him out of that because he wants personal revenge
- katz isn't very good at this rescue if jerid can get one over on him
- amazing how much more concerned these space fascists are about hitting civilians than irl cops
- oof. rip blex, got shot in his hotel bed. i guess the titans weren't as dumb as i assumed
- where did he get shot? the pillow had holes in it and that's where the blood was, so i assumed it was in the head, but he's having his final words now.
- quattro isn't much of a bodyguard is he
- new guy alert! this guy is yazan, and he's got a transforming mobile suit, which i presume means he's important
- apolly and emma and fa vs a new guy? my moneys on the new guy
- yeah they're getting their asses beat
- kamille, how do you still deny you're a newtype? i mean, this most recent time was to try and convince the titans you were unimportant, but still. sensing battles before they break out is newtype behavior
- emma isn't embarrassing herself at least, though the hizack exploding in the dome was less than ideal
- if you have a gunfight in a crowded shelter while your oxygen supply is limited you deserve what happens to you
- reccoa piloting the zeta? oh, just getting it to kamille
- apolly also doing alright. fa isn't very good at this, but i like her far more than is reasonable
- lmao, everyone hates the titans
- kamille senses the zeta coming in
- being held up by the same kid at gunpoint twice in one day is impressive. mouar also recognizes this feat of jerid-ness
- jerid will hit a child
- reccoa: where's katz?
kamille: [points] he's ok!
katz: [explodes]
- yazan left the fight against the gundam to chase fa around some more
- they're abandoning von braun so easily? i thought this was the most important city on the moon
- quattro: so this is how liberty dies. with thunderous applause
- fa, emma was the one who blew a hole in the dome, this isn't your fault
- kamille says it's ok because they survived, but he looks unconvinced
so the a plot of these 2 episodes was kind of pointless. the titans won and then lost the city
Episode 25: Colony Drop
it seems a little early for a colony drop???? like, that's endgame shit, you can't do that at the halfway mark???
- are we going to see ghost four?
- hizack with a white flag. i love that they just make mobile suit sized flags for communication
- she's in a mobile suit, those guns seem a bit pointless
- she's informing them of a planned colony drop, which is weird. i didn't get the impression that she was particularly willing to break orders, though a colony drop is a big fucking deal
- listen, being a newtype may possibly give him a better understanding of whether she's lying. it's unclear, but it's the best bet we've got. assuming he isn't just horny
- oh god, katz likes sarah. this can only end poorly
- kamille believes her about the plan, but doesn't believe she's telling the whole truth. makes some good points, but given the complete lack of mobile suit security it didn't even cross my mind that she'd have a hard time hijacking a hizack to defect
- lmao, she just lets it slip scirocco told her to say that, and kamille clocks that it'd be bad for him somehow if the plan went through
- katz you need to not be doing this. you aren't the main character, you could very easily get killed by going down this road
- so jamaican lost von braun so he needs to blow up granada
- oh goddammit, don't be weird about emma's uterus or her marriage prospects. if this wasn't an infamously misogynistic 80s anime i'd read her "i have no intention of getting married" as her being gay. actually, i'm still going to do that and you can't stop me
- that WAS awkward, you said it
- oh jesus kamille, could you have given the card to anyone else?
- fa's right that it isn't his job to interrogate people, but i assume he had permission given he had the keycard
- bright would think age was irrelevant
- yazan isn't a fan of the plan, but is going along with it. i'm curious what his deal is
- jesus christ katz
- i get wanting to have faith in your troops, but you gotta evacuate when the city is going to be destroyed if they fail
- the colony's far enough away that they can still divert it enough just by shooting it with the main cannon a little
- jesus christ katz
- i feel bad for the hizack that she tore the head off. not the pilot, the suit
- jesus christ katz
- at least she left some information that let kamille take yazan out of the fight
- and emma saves the day!
- still, even if you have the numbers, seeing it come so close overhead must be absolutely nervewracking
- katz, please understand you can't keep doing this! you get one, and if you do it again i stop liking you! you already destroyed the golden gate bridge, so this was strike 2
man, i hope katz gets better.
Episode 26: The Ghost of Zeon
i'd heard whisperings of a neo-zeon, but honestly i'd assumed that was from unicorn or something. is that going to come up here?
- i like yazan. he's a real go-getter
- did he just grab that dudes dick?
- more awkward flirting from henken
- bright being happy about kamille's growth is a nice moment
- katz, you're lucky to be out of the brig right now. don't push your luck
- whenever quattro isn't on screen all the other characters should be asking "where's quattro?"
- i don't see this ending well for young adol here
- jesus christ katz
- genuinely thought they were wasting the first 5 minutes of the episode on a dream for a second there
- emma you are infinitely more important to the war effort than katz. keep fighting so you don't lose the mk ii and so none of the titans shoot you or katz while in your normal suits
- jesus christ katz
- kamille is having a fun, tense battle, and katz is fucking everything up again
- jesus christ katz, stick with the person who knows what the fuck she's doing!
- this episode does not deserve to look this pretty
- thank you emma, katz does need to shut up
- rip jamaican
- kamilla and emma having a healthy conversation where they admit to their flaws is nice, but you absolutely do not need to hand it to katz here
- oh are we going to learn about the titans hidden fortress?
- please send katz to the brig, i cannot deal with him continuing to act like this
- yay, quattro's back!
- so the titans are repurposing a baoa qu?
god this was a bad episode. jamaican getting got was cool at least
Episode 27: Rendesvous With Char
holy shit, char's gonna show up? can't wait to see what he's been up to!
- oh my god kamille. if you're going to yell at anyone for failing as a pilot, yell at katz.
- apolly should probably stop messing with fa and kamille
- oh hey, it's jerid! at some point i started looking forward to seeing jerid. he's like guel in g-witch, he eats shit whenever he shows up and it's great
- ok, yazan is right that hizacks are more or less worthless, but you keep cannon fodder around for a reason! if nothing else a random hizack might occupy one of apolly's buddies for a minute or two, preventing them from assisting elsewhere
- he's also right that jerid should be dead
- jerid is also correct though, yazan has seemed more competent but hasn't really gotten any results so far
- and yazan hits jerid with his glove. maybe formal duels have been in gundam since 1985
- uh oh. rip mouar. nothing that gives jerid happiness can be allowed to survive
- AND she's taking an experimental weapon into battle? and she's relying on him to protect her???? she's uber fucked
- emma, thank you for explaining to katz that he isn't allowed into battle, but i think the smart thing to do would be to lock him in his room
- quattro why are you taking children into space
- why does quattro need to take charge? is there really no one else?
- why did the camera focus on the nemo?
- yeah, having newtypes confers an advantage in finding a newtype in the depths of space
- that's a big gun!
- jesus christ katz
- i would recommend shooting the ship. it's much harder to miss that
- i really liked the newtype visions kamille had there
- rip to those guys
- i don't even remember what fa was supposed to be wrong about
- aww, bright getting the message from his kids is a very sweet moment. good on quattro for doing that for him
but i'm confused by the title. it said rendesvous with char, but char wasn't in this episode? tomino explain!
Episode 28: The Jupitris Infiltration
the intros really grown on me. still preferred the first, but what are you going to do
- oh yeah, blex died
- reccoa's doing the titular infiltration
- is this out of the ordinary? kamille, what are you talking about?
- incredibly disappointing that these children fit within the artstyle of the show
- i can't tell what kamille's freaking out about. is it because he forms a crush on any girl who'll speak with him and he's worried about her?
- i like fa's take on the uniform. sleeveless is a good look on her
- so now we finally get told what happened to reccoa and kai at jaburo. wish this had been explained at the time and not 15 episode later, but oh well
- i like the visual of the stripped gm being repurposed for the gelgoog. makes them feel like actual machines, and not just big magic monsters you ride in
- i always appreciate when someone gets punched in space and they just don't stop flying back
- is reccoa acting like a child? she's doing her job
- scirocco still a freak. love to see him
- ok this is the first actually kind of petulant behavior from reccoa this episode. bright starts planning her escape if things go wrong and she's frustrated. obviously you need to plan this stuff in advance! but the show also needs to show things like that before characters discuss it. unless it's supposed to be that kamille is the only one who notices because of newtype bullshit?
- yeah, what's up with this? what's the point of having the gelgoog disguise if the zeta's there to blow it anyways?
- oh goddammit. hello gender essentialism, i didn't miss you
- boo shut the fuck up about "girls will always be girls"
- kamille just sitting behind a rock is a funny visual
- the problem with this show is that every so often a women says something cool and every time i have to flip a coin if it's supposed to show that she's weak and feminine and stupid
- sarah ignites the beam saber and then just punches kamille. ok
- axis? sounds... not great
- now this bit with scirocco being a freak i am less fond of. simply be a weirdo villain. you don't need to get rapey
- doesheknow.png
- so much more sexual harassment and general shittyness than the norm here. not a fan!
- and a mediocre hard to follow fight scene to tie it together
- scirocco is like newtype brainwashing her or something? idk. shit sucks
Episode 29: Crisis at Side 2
i love the aspect ratio stuff in the op
- oh is this going to follow up on last episode? goddammit
- this show is incredibly inconsistent with how gravity works. i feel like 0079 was better about this. i don't mind if you don't care about gravity, but it does bug me when you vacillate
- this feels incredibly episode of the week to start with. "the titans are causing problems, we need to stop them."
- good to see katz being genuinely helpful for once
- the titans have a bad gas now, as opposed to the poison we already knew they had access to, because of the time they already gassed a colony. what are you talking about? did the writers room just go "that was 20 episode ago, we need to remind everyone the titans are evil"?
- kamille still is weird about fa. realistic? maybe, but it's frustrating more than anything else
- yay. anime comedy child nudity
- what's quattro up to? he's off doing interesting things while we're stuck with this shit
- hey, it's jerid. jerid's continual ascent has never failed to amuse me before
- him being interrupted by yazan is already better than anything else in the episode thus far
- jerid is talking about serious war crimes, and only the fact that he's talking to a bunch of fascists lets him convince them that there's no point in following the antarctic treaty. glad to have you back buddy
- dang, 50 inhabited colonies in side 2? that's more than i thought
- i do feel for the guy
- nemos and gms? well it was nice knowing you
- ok i no longer feel for him. you can't shoot your own men while saying you're protecting the people
- man, how do you justify gassing a surrendering civilian populace?
- it's a little funny that jerid is just so annoyed by everyone trying to stop him from killing millions of people
- i really miss the sense of growth you get from amuro in 0079
- henken: now katz. i know you've never once followed orders, but i need you to cover their rear. do not fuck this up
- i like the zeta gundam's weird tiny shield
- i always appreciate the mobile suits bumping into things. makes them feel like part of the world
- the big gun being a beam saber is cool. i was wondering what was up with that in the op
- hey, katz not following orders worked out here. good for him, hope that becomes a trend because i don't see him not ignoring what he's told any time soon
- frankly it's a miracle mouar has survived this long. what's her secret?
- dude stop making excuses. just be like "it was a high stress situation, i did what i thought was best." own it
man, this show is in another low spot right now. no idea how anyone prefers this over 0079. i assume it picks up
Episode 30: Jerid's Desperate Attack
jerid may not be long for this world.
- oh good it's wong. i hope quattro poisons his drink
- thank you for explaining what's up, new guy i've never met
- minerva? isn't she dozle's kid? wouldn't she be like 9 rn? i mean, there have been movements loyal to rulers younger than that, but i feel like someone should have killed her and taken the throne for themself by now
- mouar and jerid are main characters so they get to know the real plan. and it's an actual plan, as opposed to the battles we've had lately
- oh, and they get bespoke takeoff animations here (i think) so you know shit just got real
- kamille: a war could break out at any time!
buddy, have you been in a coma for the past 30 episodes????
- yazan: brave of them to not run from this fight. they'll regret that!
henken: [drinking coffee] wait, there are mobile suits attacking?
- after lining up against yazan, they instead go protect the white base against the enemy battleships
- good tension building with jerid and mouar
- you think that was careless? just you wait
- that was a nasty hit
- kamille being just kind of over the whole rivalry with jerid is so funny. like, he killed your mom, while you killed a woman he'd known for a week! you have way more of a right to be mad!
- they animate jerid transforming into the suit and then chasing kamille in the fighter?
- that's the second beam clash. i wonder if this is becoming a trend?
- oh there it is. rip mouar
- fridge count: 4
- huh, jerid gets to go to newtype heaven
- mouar: jerid, you will never lose.
jerid: [loses]
- i appreciate how at least emma is consistently competent. unlike fa, who varies from stereotypical maternal homemaker anime girlfriend to a decently competent pilot and someone who has an interesting dynamic with kamille depending on how many women were in the building when the episode was written
Episode 31: Half Moon Love
starting off every episode liveblog with something based on the title is really backfiring here. what am i supposed to get from half moon love
- wait, new title card music!
- good to see fa is being placed firmly in the role of fraw bow 2.0. god this show is frustrating
- kamille, if it's so important that these kids get to go to the park and have a good time, why don't you take them?
- new mobile suit spotted, sarah seems to be scouting out von braun
- at least kamille is willing to go find them once they've run off
- these kids bug me so much more than katz letz and kikka did in 0079. i don't know why they're here! why did quattro bring them with him!
- i like sarah's outfit. the crop top with the elegant pearls and hat is a strong look
- just be honest with fa!
- so kamille hasn't said anything re:newtype status in a while. is he still in denial?
- oh god, this date is super frustrating. this show is repeating itself but worse
- sarah's possibly brainwashing induced love for scirocco is not nearly as compelling as four's medical experimentation induced amnesia
- i like the response to the bomb. everyone is trying their best
- if this show was better written sarah's conflict between being a decent person who doesn't want everyone to blow up and will help stop that while still being the one to set the charges could be interesting. as is i feel like that's just an excuse for more romance stuff that i don't care for one bit
- kamille failing makes this episode at least somewhat interesting
- the "if i die you're not getting out of here!" is also at least somewhat characterful
- dang, that's a pretty explosion
- why didn't they put sarah in the brig or something?
- oh good the kids aren't dead
christ. maybe i'm just biased against the show at this point, but this episode felt totally pointless. i don't care. either do something interesting or move the plot along
Episode 32:Unidentified Mobile Suits
guess they have more new mobile suits? thought they showed one off last episode, but maybe the aeug didn't see it
- the new title card music still caught me off guard
- wait, quattro was at axis? was this in the show and i forgot, or is this new info
- fa absolutely does not seem in her element, you're just sexist
- wong still sucks, shocking no one. at least he's nice to the kids, though he does point out that it was insane of quattro to bring them in the first place
- reccoa isn't doing well, huh
- kamille, she's clearly going through some shit, now is not the time to be horny
- kamille: quattro, what's up with reccoa? she seems off
quattro: to know another's heart, you must have experience
kamille: ...
kamille: that's why i asked you, instead of figuring it out on my own
quattro: you seriously think i have experience talking to people as people?
- scirocco still a creep, but in a much more compelling way than the last time he showed up
- wong knows what show he's in, and wants them to attack first because there's a battle no matter what every episode
- quattro and reccoa chatting and saying some concerning things
- and then they kiss. i don't see this ending well
- scirocco knows how to get yazan to do shit, which can only end poorly
- scirocco can psychically fuck up peoples aim
- that's not apolly! i know what apolly looks like, and you drew someone else there
- quattro almost stopped yazan from taking off in his new hambrabi
- the hambrabi is kicking kamille's ass in the way that clearly shows this is the first episode it's been in combat
- a full body charge is unlikely to kill a mobile suit, but it can easily knock it off its course. good job reccoa
- why is fa not piloting? because she's a women, and therefore loves children too much to go to war? this sucks
- god damn that's a lot of mobile suits. more than we've seen at one time in the entire show i think
- i guess reccoa is planning on defecting
- oh shit, new girl alert. she looks badass, and i've seen her before so i assume she'll be here a while. can't wait!
Episode 33: The Messenger From Axis
glad to know things are happening now
- wait, the federation lost interest in space? that was the whole deal with the titans, was that they were really cracking down on things in space. i mean, obviously the titans are corrupt and bad at their jobs and all that, but that's not the same as losing interest
- fa still annoying. guess they've decided that's how she is now
- haman karn? i like the cut of her jib
- quattro and haman clearly recognize each other
- this is incredibly dramatic. bright does not approve
- aww, mineva's just sitting in the corner of the massive throne because she's a kid. that's cute. i'm sure she's going to either do horrible things or have horrible things happen to her, but it's cute
- also i did not realize there wasn't an r in mineva
- huh, quattro spent time with mineva as a baby? why? you'd think he wouldn't be welcome in axis after everything
- yeah, he knew her, but she definitely doesn't actually remember him. somethings up
- it's funny to see everyone acting surprised though
- this is kinda sad, she's clearly doing what haman wants
- quattro, maybe it isn't the best idea to pick a fight with the fascists while guests on the fascist ship. i love the energy! but you know, i would like everyone here to live
- at least they've just been sent to a room to chill in for a bit
- was shocked by quattro beating up kamille, i thought we'd moved past that. thankfully it seems like they're faking a fight to try and get the guards to intercede
- lmao. they were smart enough to not immediately go in, but fell for it as soon as they escalated
- negotiations have failed. it's the aeug against the world
- i like the bridge crew here. they're background characters, but they're fun
- quattro is planning on taking out haman i guess?
- poor mineva. really cruel to use her as such a blatant figurehead. at this point you might as well just send her to school and declare yourself in charge
- quattro: i have never even once betrayed anyone
i'm just going to leave that be
- kamille and reccoa with the save! reccoa got shot in the process though!
- quattro you absolutely had something to do with the zabi family. you killed two of them! i rewatch the clip of you getting kycillia regularly!
- quattro bajeena: so antifa he couldn't even pretend to negotiate with them
- the titans coming in to make things messier
- yeah someone should probably make reccoa talk to a therapist. she should definitely not be fighting
- the spider web attack is like a bit from 0079. this rules
- reccoa and quattro looking very cool here
- yazan being a sexist prick, but that's unsurprising
- yazan is weirdly competent. i'm not used to it
- yay emma! katz doesn't get a yay
- unclear what's up with reccoa, but i'm sure it's nothing good
- haman and scirocco working together should be very good
gundam is back baby! good episode, and it promises good things to come!
for contrast
Episode 34: The Call of Darkness
i'm officially a new intro enjoyer
- these kids are so much more annoying than they were on the white base. i cannot stress enough that i don't know why they're here
- i also don't believe quattro has anything to do with zeon. i'm not sure why people from zeon keep calling him char, but i'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation
- shut up wong. you don't know shit about battle
- idk what's up between reccoa and quattro, but i'd stay out of it
- at least these kids aren't wong, that's true
- nice of fa to help reccoa avoid the doctor
- huh. i guess i can see this being reccoa's deal, but i would not have guessed that from what she's done so far. though i guess those infiltration missions sort of make sense with this
- and of course this ends with more hot takes on gender. great. this episode is rapidly killing the excitement i felt after last episode
- fa just sort of nervously agreeing and walking out is a little funny
- yazan just loves the deep deep v-neck
- wong please stop attacking people for not conforming to your view of what a military unit should be
- bright: we're stopping to repair the ship properly
wong: in war you can't rely on having good equipment!
bright: yes, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't repair your shit when possible!!!
- reccoa taking care of that cactus is very good
- reccoa does not seem to be in any condition to pilot a mobile suit
- i am confused by the choice to put the 10 seconds of titans inflating fake mobile suits before the eyecatch. bizarre
- reccoa, if the pain won't go away you shouldn't be flying
- reccoa is having newtype visions in combat. these are unhelpful and bad, unlike every other newtype vision we've seen
- she's in a trance i guess
- wong shut up
- very impressive downbarrel shot for yazan
- and then they finally realize the unmoving mobile suits are just dummies
- man, yazan is fucking reccoa up
- idk why yazan grabbed her, her whole deal seems poorly written
- oh, they would think she was dead wouldn't they
- wong shut the fuck up jesus christ
- thank you for punching quattro. in the fiction of this world where being punched leads to an attitude adjustment i think this will be good for him
amazing how this show can go from a kickass episode that leaves me incredibly hyped for what'll come next to this mess
Episode 35: Storm over Kilimonjaro
maybe we'll be back to interesting things happening now?
- goodbye emma and henken. hope something interesting happens with you two eventually
- quattro why are you trying to keep the kids on the ship??? why did you bring them???? why are they here??????
- hey they're going to kilimanjaro now. i assumed this would be like texas, but it's the actual mountain
- i assume this episode is going to be a big battle, like odessa day or solomon. wish we'd learned about it before this episode, so it could be properly built up!
- i don't feel like surface to orbit missiles should be that accurate, but i am not a physicist
- well they managed to get kamille and quattro down to earth by hitting them with their fishing rods
- i gotta say i would not be combat ready after reentry
- mr hymen is a your excellency now?
- wait it's the psycho gundam! four's back!
- the mobile suits hiding under an overhang amuses me greatly
- oh. it's a different pilot according to kamille :(
- quattro taking a breath before diving even though he's in a normal suit also amuses me
- kamille, what happened to staying behind?
- kamille's newtype powers are coming in handy, but they seem real painful
- oh, they put four in the torture chamber to power the psycho gundam. yikes!
- mr hymen is surprisingly practical about the matter
- mr hymen has moves! jumping out of the way like that, pretty spry for an old guy
- i would have left the room the second i saw the glass
- four can't see kamille? but she does have access to the door, so it works out
- kamille, why didn't you grab her? normally i am not a proponent of this, but needs must
- it's amuro! amuro has a sick custom mobile suit
- and they're retreating for now
this show is really good when things are happening and it's pretty mediocre when they aren't. rn things are happening, and we're close enough to the end that i feel like they must keep happening until the end. i mean, there's 15 episodes left, but at this point in 0079 they'd introduced lalah
Episode 36: Forever Four
i've heard this episode name before. so... rip four. again. probably
- i appreciate them all being chilly and bundled up
- quattro and kamille having a good conversation where they talk about shit, and they look super snazzy in their coats with the wind blowing
- wait, four can influence the minds of the people around her?
- [shriekcast voice]: four become normal
- a new new mobile suit? color me surprised that they would introduce a new mobile suit in the show funded by them introducing new mobile suits
- four gets out of the bath after sensing kamille? aww, that's nice
- what's jerid doing here? go away jerid
- kamille is as confused as i am
- at least part of the weirdness is her actively fighting the brainwashing
me when i become a different person when i pilot the psycho gundam
- she needs medicine now. kamille if you go with her you will be shot to death for being in the enemy base
- yeah man, you got recognized! you're famous!
- what the fuck is the difference between a cyber-newtype and creating a newtype?
- they admit they can't give her memory back though
- kamille, if you tell someone "move and i shoot!" and they throw a knife at you, you need to shoot them
- man... four's whole deal is a real bummer
- see! jerid came after you! and now he's falling off a cliff. wonder how he'll survive that? though it'd be very funny if that was his last appearance
- jerid climbing up the cliff like that is pretty funny
- jerid pilots the new gundam looking thign.
- dude, she knows your name. she's just brainwashed into hating you right now
- kamille: are you telling me to fight four???
quattro: yeah man, this is war. you can't save everyone
- jerid interrupts kamille's shouting in the not!gundam
- four's just straight up attacking quattro with her newtype powers now
- kamille gets through to her and she throws herself into jerid's beam saber
- rip four. shoulda shot jerid. even if you didn't kill him, good luck piloting a mobile suit with a bullet wound
- do you think i should add to the fridging count? since i added four once before i won't do it again
- quattro and amuro are like "this is just like lalah...". no it isn't. lalah had connections with both of you. jerid probably didn't even know four's name
- and now the man formerly known as quattro announces that he'll be going by char once again after prompting from kamille
this was a bummer, but i'm mostly just hoping this gets the show fully in motion. probably another couple episodes til that happens though
Episode 37: The Day of Dakar
dakar's in senegal. is that where char and blex went for that one meeting? that was also in africa, though i don't remember where
- dakar is federation territory, but karaba is good to hide there
- karaba has infiltrated the general assembly
- what happened to him taking his glasses off and being char now?
- amuro talking to kamille is nice, but it's very funny that he just goes "wow, you're way more mature than char and i" and he's right! self-aware king
- so being able to move on from things is an oldtype trait. i thought oldtypes were all trapped by earths gravity. that feels like it would give newtypes an advantage in moving forward
- amuro and char chatting is so good here. i know it's all going to go to shit, but i think them working together is really great
- oh hey, it's beltorchika. good luck doing spy stuff!
- who's this titan guy stopping the assholes from harassing beltorchika?
- addis: there aren't any guys like that in the titans
- more of the ship being under attack. amuro and char take off in amuro's mobile suit, while kamille is obviously out in the zeta
- jerid looks like david lynch in this shot
- beltorchika and char looking good in those sunglasses. this is definitely a deliberate parallel, right?
- hell yeah, broadcast hijacked
- the titans have little action figures in their rec room
- oh shit it's sayla! hi sayla!
- nice little bit where kamille saves an enemy mobile suit (addis from earlier) from crashing and exploding in the city
- char's speech doesn't sound too convincing, i'm gonna be honest
- beltorchika going out and getting the titans blowing shit up on camera is some good work on her part
- addis is buying the speech, and decides to help buy them time
- beltorchika isn't even flinching when the building she's on gets hit. way to go!
- addis is what happens when a liberal tries to stop a fascist within the system
- jerid's playing into what char's saying perfectly, and so is asked to leave
- kai! and sayla!
- you know, i've come around on beltorchika. you get to be kind of bratty when you pull off an operation like that
- amuro capping off the episode by making a joke with char and drinking together. they have chemistry, is all i'm saying
- kamille and beltorchika also making up here
this episode has been the most sequel to 0079 episode in a long time. amuro and char were the focus, though kamille gets a nice heroic moment. it was also a really good episode. hopefully we're on a train with no brakes, though the fact that there's 13 episode left means i bet we get at least one or two more episodes on the boring side
Episode 38: Reccoa's Shadow
oh good, more reccoa
- i like hayato still referring to him as quattro. he's nice
- frankly i'm not sure how they targeted the large shuttle, but i guess they just used their eyes
- amuro just told char he looked better without the sunglasses
- and now he's like "you're why i changed". i started talking about shipping them as a joke but it's all become so painfully real
- man, this might be the last we see of amuro until char's counterattack. idk if he's in zz
- char: close your eyes if you're scared
is that why you wear those sunglasses?
- jerid does a jerid, falling off his sled in pursuit of the shuttle and getting shot by amuro on the way down. never change
- more char theology
- back on the argama, yazan is attacking and the kids are trying to stop fa from helping. same as it ever was
- i like quattro and kamille taking mass off the shuttle, and i like them making sure to keep the gifts
- jesus bright, let fa pilot the methuss
- oh god dammit, the white base kids never pulled any of this shit!
- oh hi reccoa, they still think you're dead
- the titans are still using that one weapon where they tie you up and electrocute you. works pretty well when not up against main characters
- have we seen any other mobile suit with a full blown escape pod? because that's what fa just bailed in. normally they just jump out and rely on their normal suits until they get picked up
- quattro gets his big gun, vaporizing a few mobile suits, but reccoa saves the main titan ship
- reccoa says she was drawn to the titans by someone like yazan. just say scirocco!
- a bunch of reunion stuff, quattro acting embarassed about the broadcast and we learn that bootleg tapes were spread through the colonies
this episode was fine. i just sort of accepted the reccoa stuff and moved on. mostly action though, so not much to say
Episode 39: By the Lake
i don't watch the previews, and usually i close it before it gets there, but i did hear a bit of the preview for this and i definitely heard haman karn mentioned, which is very exciting for personal reasons
- char was willing to follow the rules of a neutral colony. if jerid sees kamille he's going for blood
- the colony laser sounds bad. i think maybe no one should have a colony laser
- oh my god. mr hymen and bask om are in hoverchairs? this rules
- bask om finally entering the fray
- oh i forgot about rosamia
- scirocco saying more shit about reccoa
- bask om's head is like twice as tall as scirocco's???? wild
- dang, fa's putting some work in for her outfits now that she's out of the uniform
- rosamia(?) with her old-ass laptop is very good
- still love the space-tram, and the clarification of how the colonies feed themselves was welcome. this is the most compelling the kids have been in the however many episodes they've been here
- oh god dammit, is rosamia going to be another another tragic cyber-newtype romance with kamille?
- oh, she thinks he's her brother. that's worse, in a way
- :( the delusions are sad, but come on. this is the third time!
- oh, quattro is going to run into the ambush that's taking out the aeug suits in the area
- why does she have fake pictures of her and kamille together?
- char thinks he senses amuro. you've been through this before! it's kamille!
- weirdly fluiod hizack animation as it goes over the colony
- quattro takes one of them out, but they shoot 2 holes and leave 1 in the colony after exploding
- oh my god, it's mineva! she's got a beach house! she's playing with the kids!
- haman looks very nice
- kamille was having a nice day and it all came crashing down in like 2 seconds. he sees mineva, then haman karn, then the hizack quattro's fighting
- and now the axis guys are shooting at char too. bad day for the colony
- thankfully quattro is very good at what he does, and the whole thing is sorted out fairly quickly
- quattro: yeah, i committed a war crime. won't get punished, they attacked first and had been doing that for a few days
- oh, i guess quattro sensed haman karn. i still think he was just sensing kamille
- quattro is as confused as i am by rosamia
i liked the episode just fine (as baffled as i am by the choices they're making with rosamia) but i was really hoping for more haman karn
Episode 40: Activation of Gryps
this promises plot movement, though frankly with 10 episodes left most episodes at this point probably do
- i have no clue what's up with rosamia. don't care for it though
- aeug trying to stop the gryps colony laser, rosamia here to make everyone sad and possibly spy
- did quattro not say she was a cyber-newtype? i don't remember
- i mean, she obviously is, but you know
- oh good, scirocco and reccoa. scirocco still a creep and a weirdo, what the hell is he doing here, news at 7
- emma and apolly and kamille doing recon
- bask om sends reccoa out to try and figure out what her deal is and what scirocco's doing
- reccoa sees them and doesn't say anything. reccoa, you could absolutely return. you haven't killed anyone yet
- after reflection she points them out
- kamille and the gang take out a few, but are focused on their mission
- reccoa is weirdly indignant about emma grabbing on and yells at her, distracting emma long enough to get out of her reach
- rosamia stumbles into the hangar wanting to fight. i'm not sure if she wants to help the titans or what, she's really unclear and i don't know how mentally stable she is
- again, reccoa yells at kamille when he cuts off her arm
- kamille tries to make her tell him what's up, but she crashes into a bit of debris while he gets out of the way
- they exit their mobile suits and talk, reccoa makes no sense, etc.
- she pushes him away and gets in her suit and warns him about the laser
- kamille denies meeting reccoa until emma slaps him
- ok the second slap is somewhat justified, emma joining the aeug because she doesn't approve of war crimes is different than reccoa joining the titans to defend the war crimes
- though kamille calling them out for slapping him all the time is good
- bright decides they won't make reccoas betrayal public
- i assume kamille means fa is the only one who isn't a rotten adult (kamille would love persona 5) but it's very creepy to say to your love interest "you have the face of a child"
- bask om is being villainous, makes reccoa stick around to watch them use the death star to blow up a populated colony
- rip
- kamille's sensing the deaths, is justifiably horrified
- reccoa regrets not being able to return. you joined the war crimes squad! this is on you! you could have quit earlier today, they would have taken you back!
Episode 41: Awakening
no idea what this could be about. hopefully it's a good episode of tv that doesn't make me want to quit the show when the finish line is in reach
- oh good, starting off strong on the making me like the episode front with rosamia and the kids
- oh good, and we see her tits. that's what this plotline needed
- oh good, reccoa
- angsting about how her mission is to do war crimes. quit your fucking job!!!!! you don't need to do the war crimes!!!! you were working for the people who stopped the war crimes, and then you joined the fucking space fascists!!!!!! jesus christ!!!!!
- this episode seems like another one the series would be better without
- rosamia put a shirt on
- reccoa: if the argama arrives now, i won't have to execute this dreadful operation
you still don't have to!!!!! just don't do it!!!!! i've lived my entire life without doing any war crimes, it's not hard!!!!!!!!! fuck!!!!!
- this episode makes me want to become a late '00s youtube critic and just start screaming obscenities
- reccoa is now killing the people trying to stop her while complaining she doesn't want to do the colony gassing and they need to do better at stopping her
- and quattro has been waylaid by the children and rosamia. the reason i liked the white base kids was because they were just there. they were trying their best, and the only times they were plot relevant were when they ended up helping out. none of those apply to the argama kids
- rosamia takes the nemo and flees\
- obviously she does not. can the episode be over?
- the slow zoom on DANGAR would amuse me if this episode wasn't so awful
- kamille being furious at reccoa for taking part is at least something redeeming here
- oh good god dammit it's rosamia
- at least kamille killing these people is slightly cathartic. the line "how could you kill people so easily! you deserve to die!" is a little funny but totally understandable
- and rosamia is leaving
fucking hell. at least this hopefully marks an end to this phase of these subplots
Episode 42: Goodbye Rosammy
while i've hated the rosammy subplot, i feel it's unlikely i enjoy this conclusion to it
- doctor tells everyone rosamia was a cyber-newtype. they discuss the nature of newtypes. doctor guy is a creep to emma
- rosamia has a new mobile suit she's going to attack the argama with
- newtypes are drawn to each other, as if by gravity
- kamille promises to bring rosmaia back
- action happens, they're trying to stop more colony gassings. fa's a pilot again? i don't know what's up with this fucking show
- rosamia believes the zeta killed her family. this is a bad show and i kind of hate myself for not quitting it here. sunk cost fallacy my beloathed
- kamille talks to rosamia
- quattro's cool at least. he'll never betray me.
- he goes to check on mineva and is told she was taken by haman karn and asked to protect her. i gotta say, he's the wrong person to ask not to blame her for the misfortune of her birth
- kamille fights the guys who come to take rosamia with them. kamille has moves
- quattro how is it you can hit 3 moving hizacks in 5 seconds but miss a stationary target?
- when he does hit it it sends psychic beams of make rosamia crazy and forget who kamille is
- kamille got very attached. i wish this whole subplot didn't exist
- the baund doc looks neat at least. i like her pink paintjob
- and gryps is headed towards granada. maybe the grand finale will be good? one can only hope
this wasn't nearly as miserable as last episode, but there must be some kind of massive disconnect between me and the general gundam fanbase. maybe the rest of the show is better? there's gotta be another rosamia episode, but aside from that they could be good. maybe i'll get lucky and rosamia will come back to be fridged in an unrelated episode
Episode 43: Haman's Victory
- more kid shenanigans
- oooh, they're going to try and ally with axis! that's an interesting and compelling plot development that i don't hate!
- there's disagreement that's not completely ridiculous! katz and fa are sent to the brig for disagreeing with the plan on moral grounds
- katz dodges a slap lmao
- kamille is doing the negotiations! things are happening that i like to see!
- haman karn agrees to come to the argama for negotiations
- oh shit, it's the qubeley! ms qubeley, i love your fire emblem fanfiction
- also that's a super sick mech design
- the aeug has to accept the zabi family as in charge of a chunk of space for the deal to work, or axis would just nuke the earth to death
- melanie carbine is a good gundam name
- axis gets side 3 in return if they help the aeug take out the gryps laser
- char has to take his glasses off and say the magic word to get her to fully agree
- now, iirc haman karn had made a deal with scirocco, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. she could be playing either side, or both of them
- and kamille makes sure the people in the brig have normal suits and the door is unlocked. what a nice young man
- katz seems to have grown some, he's not leaving until bright gives the ok. fa wants to go, but doesn't
- i love how the argama can't be sure if axis is following the plan
- haman offers support, and i still don't know who she's fucking over. she could fuck over bask om, who would probably get killed, or she could fuck over our heroes, who i assume would barely make it out, losing some characters along the way
- and bask om doesn't know either!
- the alexandria is monitoring the gwadan, but it gets behind gryps
- ok, so the axis plan is to sabotage the colony laser, but not enough to make it useless when they try to take control of it going forward
- fa gets a newtype flash and senses that kamille is in trouble
- her and katz head out to battle, with the save
- and the gwadan makes its move, distracting the titans and letting the aeug escape, while trying to maintain plausible deniability with the titans
- god haman karn rules
- and mineva thanks char. i really like her, hope things end well for her, where she isn't in charge of a fascist empire. i doubt it
- char turns away to cry, taking his shades off and shaking his head. kamille and emma leave him be
god damn, gundam can be good sometimes! i no longer regret sticking with the show. more of haman karn gaslight gatekeep girlbossing her way around, less reccoa and rosamia bullshit
Episode 44: The Gate of Zedan
lets keep up the energy from last episode and not the stuff before that, alright?
- mr hymen is talking to jerid, saying he'll meet with haman karn. he also has some kind of concealed weapon he gives to jerid, who he's taking with him to the meeting
- katz is pissed that bright and quattro are discussing further plans with haman. it's nice to see him having conflicts with the others that aren't dumb
- sarah sees reccoa leave scirocco's quarters. reccoa and scirocco are heading to the gate of zedan while sarah is left behind to stop the argama
- sarah recognizes that scirocco is manipulating her, but that just makes her more motivated to do what he wants
- kamille wants katz to be sent into battle to kickstart character growth. he had character growth! his reasons for coming into conflict with authority have become more mature and thoughtful!
- very funny that bright isn't a newtype. everyone around him is constantly going "ah! hmm...." and he just has to guess what they're sensing
- really good fight between kamille and sarah (and the 2 grunts she brought)
- they have a really good standoff in the ruins of some base. kamille takes off his suit to use as a decoy once he realizes it has air
- he of course spends the whole time trying to convince her to leave
- hymen and haman karn have their meeting, it's extremely good
- jerid shoots at her, but she announces her earing is full of cyanide gas before busting out and popping it. hymen and jerid make it out, but the rest of the titans don't
- katz refuses to pilot for the sake of zeon until he realizes sarah is involved
- jerid is yet again out for blood. kamille showing up pulls him off the gwadan
- sarah is fucking with kamille's controls, allowing jerid to heavily damage the gwadan
- sarah tries to convince katz to quit the aeug and stop working with axis, but he sticks to his guns and rescues kamille
- and he confronts her in her cell in the brig, because they remembered they had that this time. maybe her being captured will lead to interesting things happening!
another good episode! this managed to make katz a much better character. if the show was consistently this good i'd probably say it was better than 0079
Episode 45: Coming from the Heavens
we're in the home stretch! let's keep up the good work and not fall back on bad habits!
- respect to mr hymen for wearing a cloak in zero g. that's gotta be a pain
- so axis is ramming into the titans home base, while the aeug is planning to attack while they evacuate. not a bad plan
- uh oh. katz is missing. and he was doing so well!
- scirocco wants reccoa to rescue sarah. i think he finds their rivalry funny
- oh, kaatz is just watching the security feed of sarah's cell. creepy, but not as bad as i'd feared
- i don't like katz's odds, tbh
- rosamia and gates are still around, waiting to ruin my day
- mineva playing the violin
- reccoa hits the argama, allowing sarah to escape. why did they just have her mobile suit there, without doing anything to it? you'd think they'd learn
- fa and reccoa fight and argue. reccoa continues to not make any sense, and is spouting some gender bullshit. reccoa would be a terf
- fa almost shoots reccoa in the back, but can't
- katz has a similar, though significantly more coherent, chat with sarah that ends the same way
- i have to say, the asteroid ramming is really cool
- jerid gives us a reminder he's still here, going after kamille as he pursues reccoa
- lotta mobile suit grappling in this episode. it's still not effective
- oh, rip apolly. i liked him, he was a nice background character
- kamille wrecks jerid's suit in revenge, but the deal jerid made at the crossroads still stands. he can't die yet
- bright realizes haman managed to bring all her forces to the earth sphere, and orders all aeug forces to retreat
- everything is breaking as the 2 asteroid bases collide, it looks really cool
- quattro: just leave that suit [jerid] alone, we're leaving!
kamille: believe me, i'm trying!
- everyone mourns apolly
- sad 80s guitar playing as melanie hue carbine speaks with haman karn
when the show is good it's very good! praying very hard it keeps it up
Episode 46: Scirocco Rises
is scirocco going to take control of the remaining titans forces?
- scirocco meeting with haman karn, and he told hymen to make him come too
- sarah continues to be jealous of scirocco taking reccoa everywhere
- god damn scirocco has a bulky mobile suit
- their mobile suits names are "the o", "palace athene", and "bolinoak sammahn". ok!
- katz is still suspicious of axis. which seems fair!
- he rushes to launch the g-defenser after hearing haman will be meeting with scirocco
- awww, mineva is performing for char. he doesn't seem very sincere in his praise, but i guess i can't blame him
- and she's asking him very politely to come join her revanchist movement
- haman seems very insistent they don't let the zeta on board. i'm not entirely sure why
- oh man, katz is planning to kill scirocco to try and get sarah to side with him. i don't think she'll be happy about that buddy!
- katz, you gotta play along! be chill! wait until you're close to scirocco to whip the gun out
- lmao katz tries to knock a guard out and headbutts him like 5 times and it still doesn't work
- love the tense meeting room with haman karn paptimus scirocco and jamitov hymen
- kamille, what's "the worst" that you're worried about? katz shooting scirocco would be objectively good, and they have no reason to care about katz himself
- char, unlike katz, knows how to take a guard out
- scirocco pulls a gun on haman, but she's staying calm. love to see a girlboss winning
- char shoots scirocco in the arm, everyone is sensing that shit is going down, sarah just blasts through the ship to try and get char
- kamille! why would you stop the axis guys from shooting sarah! stop worrying about her, she's made her allegiances very clear!
- scirocco shoots jamitov once the two of them are alone and implies it was axis
- man i really love the qubeley. it looks sick
- scirocco shooting down the bits and their psychic battle is very good stuff
- and while they're stuck having a stand battle, katz shoots at scirocco but sarah gets in the way
- fridge count: 5
- oh man, scirocco's pissed. didn't think he genuinely cared that much
- and the whole aeug comes in with the save
- you know, sarah's death worked for me more than i thought it would. i don't really feel sorry for her, but i do feel bad for katz
- i appreciate the narrator saying "this is what happened in the episode you just watched!"
if i was watching this show in a different way, and not liveblogging everything, i might agree with the people saying this show is better than 0079. this bit is real good, and i can see how that would override your memories of the mid-bits if you weren't actually stoppping to think hard about each individual episode
Episode 47: A Descent into the Maelstrom
this show is ending very strongly, and it started pretty strong too. wish it had a better middle. and by middle i am including some episodes in the last 20% of the show
- kamille says goodbye to the children, hopefully for the last time in the show
- katz jumps on the zeta to whine about how he wanted to launch first
- katz is launching without permission after kamille. fa tries to stop him, but the kids stop her. why are they allowed in the hangar! do up a section of the brig with picture books and toys and shit and lock them in there!
- katz, you killed sarah. you don't need to avenge her death, she needed to die
- fa launches after them. whatever happened to bright not letting her pilot ever again?
- the bridge decides this will still work as a distraction for operation maelstrom.
- katz, you cannot possibly blame this on haman. jesus christ
- kamille threatens to shoot katz if he doesn't chill the fuck out. fa asks if he's prepared to chill the fuck out himself
- did i miss something? because katz is acting like they're at war against axis now. i guess it's not surprising they would be, it was clearly only ever a temporary alliance, but i wish this was more clear
- quattro and emma launching for operation maelstrom
- haman karn is sensing kamille's approach, which i assume was the plan
- after it becomes clear the aeug is dominating the fight, haman preps the qubeley
- mineva stops by to talk to haman and let us know she's also a newtype. haman reassures her before taking off
- katz ambushes her immediately but she just ignores him, looking for kamille
- they have a very clash before newtype shenanigans start in earnest
- they're in the newtype zone! kamille is going through every woman in his life, while haman is trying to figure out who this presence is
- now they're seeing each others pasts and stuff, it's cool. haman clearly really respected char
- after feeling this genuine human connection haman immediately rejects it and starts yelling at her for trying to do brain things
- she has him on the ropes, and the animation goes red and black before katz comes in with the save
- haman busts the g-defenser and shoots the leg off fa
- kamille ties the qubeley up with a weapon prepared at the start of the episode and prepares to make the killing blow before a voice talking about connecting with others appears and he only cuts off one of the wings
- she manages to escape, and everyone heads to the main battle
- the axis forces retreat to regroup, and haman is brooding in a dark room about how kamille is the true enemy. love that for her
- the aeug's next goal is to take on the axis meteor
- quattro compares kamille to amuro, and says he hopes things go better for kamille
- oh axis is on course to crash into granada? that seems less than ideal
Episode 48: The Mirror of Rosamia
guess we'll finally see kamille be forced to kill rosamia here.
- ok plan is stopping axis from colony dropping granada
- everyone wants kamille to rest but he feels guilty over not killing haman
- kamille bumbs into fa. she also tells him to get some rest
- rosamia piloting the psycho gundam while gates is in a mobile armor
- bask om still evil
- the aeug guys are exploring axis
- kamille's hearing things
- rosamia starts shooting axis and the whole thing starts collapsing
- scirocco sends his guys to take out bask om, and by guys i mean reccoa. they didn't notice because they were too focused on the rosamia experiment
- kamille can sense rosamia and goes out to the zeta to fight
- rosamia chases kamille until she gets trapped
- he gets out of the gundam to try and talk to her. she gets out and starts shooting
- she vaguely remembers him, he realizes she's been brainwashed, she gets sucked away
- she's wandering the streets of axis having forgotten the encounter she just had
- rosamia runs into fa, they talk past each other, she shoots a clown
- fa half hypnotizes her with a yo-yo before she runs off with the cyber-newtype headache
- after she leaves rosamia starts firing wildly everywhere. kamille has to kill her, she recognizes him at the last moment, it's all very sad
- fridge count: 6
- with rosamia dead gates is distracted, allowing reccoa to kill bask om
- and the axis team managed to contact the colony laser to have them blow axis away from the moon, meaning it won't destroy granada
- kamille: neither newtypes nor cyber-newtypes can make a difference. all we can do is kill :)
- char tells kamille not to worry too much about it, and kamille keeps smiling and moves on. char looks super sad at that
Episode 49: Casualties of War
uh oh! that title (and the fact that there's 2 episode left) tells me bad things are afoot!
- everyone's preparing for the final battle
- oh shit, jerid's piloting the bunny suit rosamia was in a while back
- yazan hits emma with the electric whip or whatever it was called, but katz comes in with the save
- katz and emma dock, katz takes off in his little escape thing but tries to fight yazan
- katz isn't paying attention to where he's going and flies right into an asteroid. rip katz
- as he's dying he has a vision of sarah. sure, why not
- emma is kicking ass in revenge, but a surprise attack from yazan puts her in a bad spot, causing henken to rush in and sacrifice the radish as a shield
- yazan is fully jokerfied, if he wasn't already
- jerid: you can't kill me with shots like that!
kamille: [kills him with a shot like that]
- rip jerid. you could have failed even farther upwards, but you bit off more than you could chew this time
- casualties of war was right! and that's only the halfway point!
- kamille opens his visor in space to shock emma back into action
- the gundam mk ii is all messed up but emma has to keep fighting
- quattro takes the mega launcher, while emma gets a quick repair done
- ok, so this is just all 3 factions trying to destroy each other, since haman is trying to take out the jupitris
- haman destroys the mega launcher after it fucks up her army
- yazan and reccoa are double teaming kamille, but emma comes in with the save
- reccoa: katz is dead?
emma: it's possible no one will cry when you die
- emma kills reccoa while getting stabbed herself in a shot that's animated all inverted. rip reccoa i guess
- emma leaves her mobile suit to try and grab reccoa's body or something, but yazan shoots the remainder of the palace athene which explodes, fucking emma up
- kamille goes ultra instinct, starts glowing purple with rage. it shields him from yazan's attacks, and lets him grow his beam saber to kill yazan
- yazan doesn't get a rip
- emma's dying but not dead, and kamille brings her with him
gotta say, this ending is not too fitting here!
Episode 50: Riders in the Skies
well i suppose this is it. wonder how many more people will die here
- emma asks kamille to win the battle. she also says some other stuff about how the zeta gundam can absorb souls. a little late for that information imo!
- rip emma
- fridge count: 7
- bright wants to use the colony laser, but they can't contact it due to the minovsky particles
- char haman and scirocco all head into the colony laser. scirocco wants to destroy it so it can't take out the rest of his fleet, and the other two are just following him i guess
- char is getting bodied, losing an arm and a leg very quickly
- char abandons the hyaku shiki and runs into the residential area
- haman confronts char in a theater, and scirocco is quick to follow
- the standoff is really good, haman still trying to convince char to join her while keeping an eye on scirocco
- kamille comes in with the save and everyone is shouting and newtyping and holding pistols close to their chests and it's great
- everyone's scrambling to escape gryps before it blows
- char kamille and fa stay behind to take on haman and scirocco one last time, but ultimately bail
- the show makes sure to show emma being cremated more than anyone has ever been cremated before
- haman reveals she withdrew most of her forces, so zz can have a plot
- another beam clash between kamille and scirocco. this series sure likes doing that
- the hyaku shiki runs out of energy and char collapses the abandoned ship he and haman are in. he seemingly dies, but i know better
- kamille's newtype super mode is backfiring in some way, but with the help of all his dead friends he powers through, impaling scirocco (the mobile suit too, but especially scirocco) with the zeta gundam
- scirocco hits kamille with one last newtype attack before dying though
- kamille got his mind broken or something
- fa drags the zeta and the mk ii back to the argama
- we see the ruined hyaku shiki, cockpit open to allow a pilot to escape, and that's zeta gundam
i think this show had a strong ending, but i'm not actually sure. i'll figure out how i feel later
the bad:
god this show has a problem with women. everything with reccoa really sucked, but also every woman jerid met died, they did all that stuff with four and just decided to do it again but way worse in the same show with rosamia and kind of sarah, and there's all the flipflopping about whether fa is allowed to be a pilot. it's all really bad! emma and haman karn are the only female characters i can think of who don't have anything egregious attached to them, but emma still dies to motivate kamille for the final battle. also sayla doesn't show up and mirai and fraw bow are both housewives. and that's without getting into the things the characters say
in general the pacing was really weird. scirocco shows up and is mysterious but doesn't do anything or even get named for 10 episodes. it never really makes how strong the titans are or what they're doing clear. there were several points where i had no idea what was happening. it feels more or less like the show is just spinning its wheels for about 20 episodes. unlike the misogyny, none of this was in 0079! the pacing wasn't perfect, but i was never this confused about anything and the white base always had a clear goal it was moving towards that i understood
i don't feel like being too negative, so i think i'll leave it at that. but those are much bigger complaints than anything i had about 0079
the good:
i like most of the characters. kamille is pretty interesting, and most of the female characters i like even if the show doesn't. the legacy characters are almost all really well handled. i love amuro just kind of wallowing in his self pity after the war. he's earned it! but life goes on, and so he needs to get back in the robot. char trying to fight for something instead of purely for revenge is really great stuff as well, though i have no idea how char's counterattack makes any sense. the more minor ones are good as well, kai and hayato got really great bits. you'll notice that i didn't mention the women. i also didn't mention bright, because he shows up and is kind of a nothing character in this. the only thing i remember with him is him telling fa she couldn't pilot anymore and then just changing his mind randomly
jerid was also great. most of the other antagonists were whatever, but jerid eternally failing upwards never failed to entertain me. and when axis and haman karn come in i start to enjoy the titans way more. every time she's not on screen the other characters should be asking "where's haman" both because i want to see her, and also because if you can't see her she might be about to shoot you
the actual plot stuff aside most of the actual show was decent at worst. whenever haman karn was around they became really good for the most part, which makes me hopeful for zz
the show does have a lot of stuff that's interesting to think about, and the politics and science fiction stuff probably appealed a lot to a lot of people. but ultimately i think the show had a lot of promising ideas that it mostly didn't stick the landing on